[HELP] Disbale VoiceChat

Hey Guys,

i installed TokoVoip and this is working, but the standard fivem voice chat is still activated.
I deleted esx_voice but its still working.

Greedings Nik

You need to get users to go into there game settings and turn off voice chat completely for it to take effect

Add this to a client side script

local muteStockChat= true  -- this mutes normal GTA chat

--Mute Normal Voice
	while true do
		if muteStockChat then
			local player = PlayerId()
			DisableControlAction(0, 249, true) -- N key

			if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(player) then
				SetPlayerTalkingOverride(player, false)


-Credit Faxes nospeaky
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where is the client side script?

here: voicemute.zip (765 Bytes)
now just add start voicemute to your server.cfg


Thank you.actually because i had issues with proximity of voice chat and anyone could here me anywhere in my map… i installed the vVoice and now both of them working when im using voice chat. thats why i need to disable the default one and using vVoice only because it gives me custom settings.

so i can use this right?

yes or you can always tell your players to disable Voice Chat via their settings to prevent this problem

i don’t want them to disable it, i just need players to be able only to hear each other from close distance.

if vVoice is using GTA 5 normal voice chat ( which I’m sure it does ) you will need to enable voice chat for it to work
So this script will probably not work for you

OHH :frowning: so what is the solution for me, just don’t want players to hear each other from far and need to get close to each other to talk in private?

You can ask in vVoice thread, I’m pretty sure this is a client issue or maybe the ones that are talking from far away are on the global channel.
Make sure players are using the right channel of voice
/voice distance <veryclose|close|nearby|distant|far|veryfar|global>

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hellou i want know how i make for when player is dead he cant talk in N