[HELP] Delete vehicle from a specific area

hey ,
does anyone know how i can Delete spawn vehicle from a specific area ?


This should do what you are after.

Thank you bro,
i need it for the jail ,
can you help me for that ?

Perhaps later today, it’s 2 am currently. Download ShowCoords and grab the coordinates of the prison, that’ll be a good start.

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x= 1641.7
Y= 2592.48
z= 45.82
A= 103.17

This helped me a lot, I have a simple script of almost 500 lines of areas established by the entire server.

create a simple script and client.lua

paste this.


    while (true) do
		 ClearAreaOfPeds(1057.21, -3200.78, -38.11,50.0, 1)

number “50.0” is the radius
is the area where vehicles will be deleted

sorry for my bad english

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no problem thaaaaaaaaaaaanks