Help debug game Crash

Environment questions

GTA V version: newst/ b2612
Up to date: yes
Legit or Pirate copy: legit
Purchased where - Steam/Rockstar Launcher/Epic: Rockstar
Windows version: Win 10 Pro 21H1 Build 19043.1826
Did you try to delete content_index.xml and try again? yes
System specifications: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X | 32GB DDR4-3200 | RTX 3070 8GB
CitizenFX crash zip file (‘Save information’ on a crash): can provide it, see text below
logs/CitizenFX_log files:
.dmp files/report IDs:

Important parts

What is the issue you’re having?
Many people who are playing on the server, have the same issue.

What are you trying to do?
The Error can not be reproduced directly.

What have you tried already to fix the issue?
Because im the owner of the server i tried to look into the error zip files from the users.

Error screenshot (if any):

What did you do to get this issue?
A User who is near Groove St. crashes directly.
I went to the same position, walked around a few minutes, then my game crashes with the same error.
Another user, went to this position for hours walking, driving etc. he doesn’t have any issues.

What server did you get this issue on? Be specific and name some, ‘all of them’ by itself isn’t useful!
4LifeRP, but see additional comments

Additional comments

Because its my own Server, i looked into the crash reports. I found a hint but cant get deeper into it.
Its about the first lines before the crash:

[   3229109] [b2612_GTAProce]             MainThrd/ InvokeNative: execution failed: Error executing native 0x9f47b058362c84b5 at address 0x7ff751dadfd4.
[   3229109] [b2612_GTAProce]             MainThrd/ ^1SCRIPT ERROR: Execution of native 9f47b058362c84b5 in script host failed: Error executing native 0x9f47b058362c84b5 at address 0x7ff751dadfd4.^7
[   3231578] [b2612_GTAProce]                15600/ Error: [md]# Disconnected by server
[   3231578] [b2612_GTAProce]                15600/ Spielabsturz: GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_1407653E8 (0x5a)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/ Process crash captured. Crash dialog content:
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/ GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_1407653E8 (0x5a)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/ Ein Fehler bei GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_1407653E8 (0x5a) hat verursacht, dass FiveM nicht mehr funktioniert. Ein Absturzbericht wird an die FiveM Entwickler hochgeladen.
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/ 
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/ Alter crash hash: mississippi-march-robin
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/ Stack trace:
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/   GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_1407653E8 (0x5a)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/   GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_141145044 (0x1cc)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/   GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_140938794 (0x9d)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/   GTA5_b2612.exe!?RunCustomCallbackBitsOnEntityType@fwSceneUpdate@rage@@S?_PIIP6AXAAVfwEntity@rage@@PAX@ZVfwEntity@rage@@@Z (0x9c)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/   GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_14092AFA8 (0x121)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/   GTA5_b2612.exe!CScene::PreSceneUpdate (0x30)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/   gta-core-five.dll!rage::RunEntries (0x62) (<A HREF="">GameSkeleton.cpp:189</A>)
[   3231640] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/ 
[   3235797] [b2612_DumpServ]                28720/ Crash report service returned si-b01004b1c138434f9e5f80e6c3d862ea

Because of this i think its an error with one of the many scripts.
I look into fivem’s natives and saw “0x9F47B058362C84B5” deals with GetEntityModel.

and now i stuck with at address 0x7ff751dadfd4.^7
i want to know which script is the evil.

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Incorrect - it’s just that this particular crash apparently shows first when a script tries to get archetype data, and only later does the game itself fail here.

It rather appears to be some .ytyp file gets loaded/unloaded in the wrong order, possibly due to bad data in one or more of them.

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