[Help] Commands

Hello! I need a command so If I write /info (its come info about the server what i have write)

and i need also a command i can /Panic (exampel)

/panic (my ingame name) Has press on the panic button!

Thank you for the help!

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, n, message)
	if message == "/info" then
                 -- Code

Or unbiased definitily not self advertising.
EssentialMode :slight_smile:

okey but are im going to write if message == “/info” then (Info about the server)?

Replace code with whatever you want to execute when someone types that command

Okey thx for the help im going to try it!

So this command work for client and server? if i will have the panic most all in the server see and the info will only client see and how im going to set up with the document? (the files)

@Kanersps How i get so if i press on the panic buttom and i will have my ingame name or someone press on the panic buttom how i so its says my ingame name or hes ingame name?

@Kanersps Its not working! i have loaded it but it will not work!