[help] Checking door state in server main?

So I’m making a script for bank robbing and I have it so the door opens client side, How do i make it so the server checks if it is open or not? since i want multiple people to be able to go down to the vault, i currently have this in my client main:

  while true do
		DrawMarker(20, 262.0, 223.08, 107.28, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 255, 0, 0, 55, true, true, 2, false, nil, nil, false)
		BankDoor = GetClosestObjectOfType(262.1981, 222.5188, 106.4296, 100.0, 746855201, 0, 0, 0)
		FreezeEntityPosition(BankDoor, IsLocked)
		--SetEntityHeading(BankDoor, DoorH)

My server main is empty atm.
Any help is greatly appreciated

So what you can do is make an toggle door lock event, you don’t have to put it in a while loop by the way, you can use it in these events


-- Set status for every client
AddEventHandler('bankrobbing:SetDoorStatus', function(LockStatus)
     BankDoor = GetClosestObjectOfType(262.1981, 222.5188, 106.4296, 100.0, 746855201, 0, 0, 0)
     FreezeEntityPosition(BankDoor, LockStatus)


local DoorStatus = true
AddEventHandler('bankrobbing:ToggleDoorStatus', function()
     DoorStatus = not Doorstatus
     TriggerClientEvent('bankrobbing:SetDoorStatus', -1, DoorStatus)

and then you can just trigger it by: TriggerServerEvent('bankrobbing:ToggleDoorStatus')

Thanks for the reply!
Will try this as soon as i can thank you so much for the help!

So I’ve done what you said and tried it but the door is not locking now, ive also added a draw marker into the Handler like this

AddEventHandler('bankrob:SetDoorStatus', function(LockStatus)
	DrawMarker(20, 262.0, 223.08, 107.28, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 255, 0, 0, 55, true, true, 2, false, nil, nil, false)
    BankDoor = GetClosestObjectOfType(262.1981, 222.5188, 106.4296, 100.0, 746855201, 0, 0, 0)
    FreezeEntityPosition(BankDoor, LockStatus)

and no marker shows so im guessing ive done something wrong?

Ye, a marker need to be in the whileloop however the bankdoor and freezeentity don’t

did you make a mistake with the LockStatus and DoorStatus should they be the same or? i just dont understand it, the door is not locked by default, and after i trigger nothing happens.

Never mind ive solved it, I have the door (entity) frozen in a loop and the trigger just changes the heading of the door now thanks for showing me the right direction buddy