[HELP/C#] Using await causes crashes

Hi all,

I’m currently developing a custom core resource for a community. I’m needing to make contact with a database asynchronously. This needs to be done so that I can ensure the data has actually returned before I start digesting it.

However, it seems that whenever I’m using an await keyword, I’m experiencing a block. Now, I know that’s the point of await, that the current process should be blocked until the await process has been cleared.

I’m using GHMatti’s MySQL dependency here.

        public async Task<Dictionary<int, object>> ExecuteSelectAsync (string statement)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Dictionary<int, object>>();
            int i = 0;

                new Action<dynamic>(s =>
                    // Convert response into a workable object
                    List<Object> responses = s;
                    // New empty dictionary, which will eventually be returned
                    Dictionary<int, object> responseData = new Dictionary<int, object>();

                    // Manipulation of data into the format I desire

                    // Setting the result of the TCS

            // Await for the TCS to complete
            var response = await tcs.Task;

            Utility.LogDebug("Database", "Returning select execution response");
            return response;

Should I be using await BaseScript.Delay(100) somewhere? I’ve experimented with using it, but I find that results vary from nothing to the base script continuing to execute.

How can I make sure that the script waits for the TCS data, but doesn’t freeze up the server?
Thanks :slight_smile: