[HELP] Aim Logs | Discord Webhook

Hello i am trying to make aim logs, i want everytime somebody aim a player, Perform an http request and send the player name and who aimed with the 2 in server IDs

Here is my client Side

Citizen.CreateThread(function() --Creates thread
  while true do
    local aiming, targetPed = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1))
    local id = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())
    if aiming then
      if DoesEntityExist(targetPed) and IsEntityAPed(targetPed) then
        TriggerServerEvent('aimlogs:playeraim', id… ' aiming')
        while GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1)) == targetPed do
      end – end if DoesEntityExist
    end – end if aiming
  end – end while

Can somebody send the server side? Or make a better client side?