hello around 4 days ago i downloaded 5m and it said i needed to log into steam to get into the servers, so i loged into my younger brothers steam as i didnt have 1 and just today he has started to use his steam account and i didnt reliaze the game saved over steam cloud, i was wondering if i can take the steam account of this account and use a new 1 that i made and get my car and cash transferd over please im stuck
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You need to ask the server owners to transfer your stuff
i understand that but how do i go about gettin the steam accounted i used taken of so can use the one i made today? and who would i contact about the server its the ozzy gaming (1) 5m rp server for gta
You can just login into your other account then restart FiveM it should automatically use your other steam account
I suggest joining the server’s discord and contacting one of the admins
i have tryed that it keeps saying
thats with being loged into new steam account so it will only work if i log into the steam acccount i linked it with but its in useIs steam open?
yes steam is open under the new account b4 i opened 5m so it seems its still linked to the other steam account and theres no option under settings to unlink it or change steams
You can delete %localappdata%\digitalentitlements to be sure
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