Helicopter Repel Scripts

Does anyone know of a Repel script for helicopters that you can configure? like altitude deployment, per helicopter config, falling speed, and hanging on a rope. anything? I have a really nice camera system but we need to repel from helicopters and i cant find any scripts that would help

I think this script got cameras and rappels but I dont knwo if you can configure it to your benefits

I’ve seen this multiple times, the problem is it isn’t updated to any means, and when we did use it it crashed users

I recently made a helicopter camera script that includes rappeling, but you can’t configure the rappeling part that much, as the natives used to rappel don’t have any options to fiddle with. I must also mention that my script is paid.

And I haven’t seen any free scripts that include rappeling that aren’t from 2-3 years ago, so I’m afraid you might be out of luck on this one. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

No need to buy @MadsL’s, esspecially when there are already plenty out there that are open source and free. Take a search on the forums or even just google.

The first thing it says in it’s read me is not to use it.

The readme was last updated on 10th of April, 10 months ago, I don’t think this is getting worked on anymore.

This on is just a fork of the one @CoolSlayer131 said didn’t work.

This is also just a fork of the same script, that again did not work.


Again a fork, but I’ll give it that it is in many ways its own script, however, it’s pretty un-optimized and again, hasn’t been updated in years.

There is nothing wrong with using any of these scripts (I have used multiple of them in the past), but saying that there are plenty of free and open-source ones out there is just plain wrong. There are essentially 2 (where one has multiple forks) out there, and they are all outdated and haven’t been worked on in years.

Now to be fair, maybe one of the forks has solved the issues that CoolSlayer131 had with the original, but as far as I can see through the code, not much of the core has changed (way of handling data etc.). But I suppose OP’s best choice would be to just test the different ones out and see if they suit his needs.

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Yeah ive seen all of these and hoped for the best with no resolve. i currently use a heli cam made by Nabla-Corperation. it works great but has no rappel feature to speak of. and as stated all these scripts are very outdated and no longer supported

The rappelling part shouldn’t be hard to add (it’s just his native and a couple of checks), maybe you could ask Nabla if they could add rappelling as an option?

I read through their release post, and I see that you’ve already asked them about the rappelling quite some time ago. Since they aren’t going to add it I’ll share a dumbed-down and altered version of what I use In my script (so you can use it):

local function DisplayNotification(msg)
	EndTextCommandThefeedPostTicker(false, false)

local function AttemptRappel()
    local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
    local helicopter = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
    if helicopter == 0 or GetVehicleClass(helicopter) ~= 15 then
        DisplayNotification("You need to be in a helicopter to rappel!")

    local isInCorrectSeat = GetPedInVehicleSeat(helicopter, 1) == playerPed or GetPedInVehicleSeat(helicopter, 2) == playerPed
    if not isInCorrectSeat then
        DisplayNotification("You cannot rappel from this seat!")

    local coords = GetEntityCoords(helicopter)
    local foundHeight, groundZ = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, false)
    if not foundHeight or coords.z - groundZ > 35.0 then
        DisplayNotification("The helicopter is to far up to rappel!")

    TaskRappelFromHeli(playerPed, 1)

RegisterCommand('rappel', function()
end, false)

What the code above does is just check that the player is in the back seat of a helicopter and that the helicopter is close enough to the ground so you won’t fall to your death, and then of course, rappel the player if the before mentioned requirements are matched.

Oh. we bought your script BTW. works amazingly. I was told by the server owner it was a client-sided spotlight though. is it or do we have an error with one sync?

The spotlight should be synced, are there any issues with it?

It is client-sided. nobody can see it other than the person in the camera (full disclosure, i did not buy nor do I work on the server. it was bought by a friend after i recommended it, and the key was sent to the server owner, I just rely upon information cause i am the main person vouching for a helicam script lol)

Ahh, okay, they probably don’t use onesync? If that’s not it, then I suppose you could advise them to contact me about it.