Headshot is not OneShot

Hello, I have the problem that weapons hardly do any damage and headshot is not one shot either, but I have no scripts that change the damage, anyone help?

You can try

SetWeaponDamageModifier(`WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE`, 0.8)

0.8 would make it 80% if I understand correctly.

2.0 should be 200%

EDIT: Or you could get creative and grab the bone index of the bodyparts you want to have a damage modifier and only apply the 200% to, say, the pelvic region, if you wanted to?

GET_PED_BONE_INDEX(Ped ped, int boneId)
SKEL_Neck_1 = 0x9995,
    SKEL_Head = 0x796E,
    IK_Head = 0x322C,

And there is also by coordinates:

Vector3 GET_PED_BONE_COORDS(Ped ped, int boneId, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ);

Sounds like it could be a desync issue and your resources might need to be optimized
Also could be players ping.