Having an issue with players when anyone joins the server

[script:qb-smallresou] > handler (@qb-smallresources/server/entities.lua:6)
[script:qb-smallresou] SCRIPT ERROR: @qb-smallresources/server/entities.lua:6: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘Config’)
this line pops up in my server side command prompht and my players crash and their fivem closes out

There is something wrong in your config.lua

Check Config.BlacklistedVehs Maybe you forgot a comma or parenthesis …

Please send us the config.lua from qb-smallresources. Thank you.

Config = {}
Config.UseTarget = GetConvar(‘UseTarget’, ‘false’) == ‘true’ – Use qb-target interactions (don’t change this, go to your server.cfg and add setr UseTarget true to use this and just that from true to false or the other way around)

– To make this simple. Everything you need is in the config, except for discord, weapon drops, vehicle classes for cruise, hands up disabled keys, and recoil

Config.AFK = {
ignoredGroups = {
[‘mod’] = true,
[‘admin’] = true,
[‘god’] = true
secondsUntilKick = 1800 – AFK Kick Time Limit (in seconds)

Config.Binoculars = {
fov_max = 70.0,
fov_min = 5.0, – max zoom level (smaller fov is more zoom)
zoomspeed = 10.0, – camera zoom speed
speed_lr = 8.0, – speed by which the camera pans left-right
speed_ud = 8.0, – speed by which the camera pans up-down
storeBinoclarKey = 177

– Whether to enable or disable dispatch services
Config.DispatchServices = {
[1] = false, – Police Vehicles
[2] = false, – Police Helicopters
[3] = false, – Fire Department Vehicles
[4] = false, – Swat Vehicles
[5] = false, – Ambulance Vehicles
[6] = false, – Police Motorcycles
[7] = false, – Police Backup
[8] = false, – Police Roadblocks
[9] = false, – PoliceAutomobileWaitPulledOver
[10] = false, – PoliceAutomobileWaitCruising
[11] = false, – Gang Members
[12] = false, – Swat Helicopters
[13] = false, – Police Boats
[14] = false, – Army Vehicles
[15] = false, – Biker Backup

– Enable or disable the wanted level
Config.EnableWantedLevel = false

– To Set This Up visit [How-to] [Updated] Discord rich presence Custom Image 🏞
Config.Discord = {
[“IsEnabled”] = false, – If set to true, then discord rich presence will be enabled
[“ApplicationId”] = ‘00000000000000000’, – The discord application id
[“IconLarge”] = ‘logo_name’, – The name of the large icon
[“IconLargeHoverText”] = ‘This is a Large icon with text’, – The hover text of the large icon
[“IconSmall”] = ‘small_logo_name’, – The name of the small icon
[“IconSmallHoverText”] = ‘This is a Small icon with text’, – The hover text of the small icon
[“UpdateRate”] = 60000, – How often the player count should be updated
[“ShowPlayerCount”] = true, – If set to true the player count will be displayed in the rich presence
[“MaxPlayers”] = 48, – Maximum amount of players
[“Buttons”] = {
text = ‘First Button!’,
url = ‘fivem://connect/localhost:30120’
text = ‘Second Button!’,
url = ‘fivem://connect/localhost:30120’

Config.Density = {
[‘parked’] = 0.8,
[‘vehicle’] = 0.8,
[‘multiplier’] = 0.8,
[‘peds’] = 0.8,
[‘scenario’] = 0.8,

Config.Stun = {
active = false,
min = 4000,
max = 7000

Config.Cruise = ‘mp/h’
Config.IdleCamera = true
Config.disableHandsupControls = {24, 25, 47, 58, 59, 63, 64, 71, 72, 75, 140, 141, 142, 143, 257, 263, 264}
Config.DisableAmbience = false – Disabled distance sirens, distance car alarms, etc
Config.HarnessUses = 20
Config.DamageNeeded = 100.0 – vehiclepush 0-1000
Config.EnableProne = false – prone isnt recomended at this time
Config.MapText = “Server Name” – This is the name / text shown above the map

Config.Disable = {
disableHudComponents = {1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22}, – Hud Components: HideHudComponentThisFrame - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs
disableControls = {37}, – Controls: Controls - Cfx.re Docs
displayAmmo = true – false disables ammo display

Config.ConsumablesEat = {

["sandwich"] = math.random(35, 54),
["tosti"] = math.random(40, 50),
["twerks_candy"] = math.random(35, 54),
["snikkel_candy"] = math.random(40, 50),
--Burger Shot Eat

[“burgershot_bigking”] = math.random(40, 50),
[“burgershot_bleeder”] = math.random(20, 30),
[“burgershot_goatwrap”] = math.random(50, 60),
[“burgershot_macaroon”] = math.random(10, 15),
[“burgershot_patatob”] = math.random(15, 20),
[“burgershot_patatos”] = math.random(5, 10),
[“burgershot_shotnuggets”] = math.random(10, 15),
[“burgershot_shotrings”] = math.random(10, 15),
[“burgershot_thesmurfsicecream”] = math.random(1, 3),
[“burgershot_smurfetteicecream”] = math.random(1, 3),
[“burgershot_matchaicecream”] = math.random(1, 3),
[“burgershot_ubeicecream”] = math.random(1, 3),
[“burgershot_unicornicecream”] = math.random(1, 3),
[“burgershot_vanillaicecream”] = math.random(1, 3),
[“burgershot_chocolateicecream”] = math.random(1, 3),
[“burgershot_strawberryicecream”] = math.random(1, 3),


Config.ConsumablesDrink = {
    ["water_bottle"] = math.random(35, 54),
    ["kurkakola"] = math.random(35, 54),
    ["coffee"] = math.random(40, 50),

Config.ConsumablesAlcohol = {
    ["whiskey"] = math.random(20, 30),
    ["beer"] = math.random(30, 40),
    ["vodka"] = math.random(20, 40),

Config.ConsumablesCustom = {
    -- ['newitem'] = {
    --     ['progress'] = {
    --         label = 'Using Item...',
    --         time = 5000
    --     },
    --     ['animation'] = {
    --         animDict = "amb@prop_human_bbq@male@base",
    --         anim = "base",
    --         flags = 8,
    --     },
    --     ['prop'] = {
    --         model = false,
    --         bone = false,
    --         coords = false, -- vector 3 format
    --         rotation = false, -- vector 3 format
    --     },
    --     ['replenish'] = {
    --         type = 'Hunger', -- replenish type 'Hunger'/'Thirst' / false
    --         replenish = math.random(20, 40), 
    --         isAlcohol = false, -- if you want it to add alcohol count
    --         event = false, -- 'eventname' if you want it to trigger an outside event on use useful for drugs
    --         server = false -- if the event above is a server event
    --     }
    -- }

ConsumablesFireworks = {

Config.FireworkTime = 5 -- seconds before it goes off

Config.BlacklistedScenarios = {
    ['TYPES'] = {
    ['GROUPS'] = {

Config.BlacklistedVehs = {
    [`SHAMAL`] = true,
    [`LUXOR`] = true,
    [`LUXOR2`] = true,
    [`JET`] = true,
    [`LAZER`] = true,
    [`BUZZARD`] = true,
    [`BUZZARD2`] = true,
    [`ANNIHILATOR`] = true,
    [`SAVAGE`] = true,
    [`TITAN`] = true,
    [`RHINO`] = true,
    [`FIRETRUK`] = true,
    [`MULE`] = true,
    [`MAVERICK`] = true,
    [`BLIMP`] = true,
    [`AIRTUG`] = true,
    [`CAMPER`] = true,
    [`HYDRA`] = true,
    [`OPPRESSOR`] = true,
    [`technical3`] = true,
    [`insurgent3`] = true,
    [`apc`] = true,
    [`tampa3`] = true,
    [`trailersmall2`] = true,
    [`halftrack`] = true,
    [`hunter`] = true,
    [`vigilante`] = true,
    [`akula`] = true,
    [`barrage`] = true,
    [`khanjali`] = true,
    [`caracara`] = true,
    [`blimp3`] = true,
    [`menacer`] = true,
    [`oppressor2`] = true,
    [`scramjet`] = true,
    [`strikeforce`] = true,
    [`cerberus`] = true,
    [`cerberus2`] = true,
    [`cerberus3`] = true,
    [`scarab`] = true,
    [`scarab2`] = true,
    [`scarab3`] = true,
    [`rrocket`] = true,
    [`ruiner2`] = true,
    [`deluxo`] = true,
    [`cargoplane2`] = true,

Config.BlacklistedPeds = {
    [`s_m_y_ranger_01`] = true,
    [`s_m_y_sheriff_01`] = true,
    [`s_m_y_cop_01`] = true,
    [`s_f_y_sheriff_01`] = true,
    [`s_f_y_cop_01`] = true,
    [`s_m_y_hwaycop_01`] = true,

Config.HolsterVariant = {130,122,3,6,8}
Config.HolsterableWeapons = {

Config.Objects = { -- for object removal
    {coords = vector3(266.09,-349.35,44.74), heading = 0, length = 200, width = 200, model = "prop_sec_barier_02b"},
    {coords = vector3(285.28,-355.78,45.13), heading = 0, length = 200, width = 200, model = "prop_sec_barier_02a"},

-- You may add more than 2 selections and it will bring up a menu for the player to select which floor be sure to label each section though
Config.Teleports = {
    --Elevator @ labs
    [1] = {
        [1] = { -- up label
            ['poly'] = {
                coords = vector3(3540.74, 3675.59, 20.99),
                heading = 167.5,
                length = 2,
                width = 2
            ["AllowVehicle"] = false,
            label = false -- set this to a string for a custom label or leave it false to keep the default

        [2] = { -- down label
            ['poly'] = {
                coords = vector3(3540.74, 3675.59, 28.11),
                heading = 172.5,
                length = 2,
                width = 2
            ["AllowVehicle"] = false,
            label = false
        -- [3] = { 
        --     ['poly'] = {
        --         coords = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        --         heading = 0.0,
        --         length = 0,
        --         width = 0
        --     },
        --     ["AllowVehicle"] = false,
        --     label = 'be sure to label all sections if more than 2'
        -- },
    --Coke Processing Enter/Exit
    [2] = {
        [1] = {
            ['poly'] = {
                coords = vector3(909.49, -1589.22, 30.51),
                heading = 92.24,
                length = 2,
                width = 2
            ["AllowVehicle"] = false,
            label = '[E] Enter Coke Processing'
        [2] = {
            ['poly'] = {
                coords = vector3(1088.81, -3187.57, -38.99),
                heading = 181.7,
                length = 2,
                width = 2
            ["AllowVehicle"] = false,
            label = '[E] Leave'

Config.DefaultPrice = 20 -- Default price for the carwash
Config.DirtLevel = 0.1 -- Threshold for the dirt level to be counted as dirty
Config.CarWash = { -- carwash
    [1] = {
        ["label"] = "Hands Free Carwash",
        ["poly"] = {
            coords = vector3(174.81, -1736.77, 28.87),
            length = 7.0,
            width = 8.8,
            heading = 359
    [2] = {
        ["label"] = "Hands Free Carwash",
        ["poly"] = {
            coords = vector3(25.2, -1391.98, 28.91),
            length = 6.6,
            width = 8.2,
            heading = 0
    [3] = {
        ["label"] = "Hands Free Carwash",
        ["poly"] = {
            coords = vector3(-74.27, 6427.72, 31.02),
            length = 9.4,
            width = 8,
            heading = 315
    [4] = {
        ["label"] = "Hands Free Carwash",
        ["poly"] = {
            coords = vector3(1362.69, 3591.81, 34.5),
            length = 6.4,
            width = 8,
            heading = 21
    [5] = {
        ["label"] = "Hands Free Carwash",
        ["poly"] = {
            coords = vector3(-699.84, -932.68, 18.59),
            length = 11.8,
            width = 5.2,
            heading = 0
 here is the config

i posted it above

Please make a screenshot after restarting the resource, there must throw a syntax error for config.lua with this information I can fix your config.