GTA5.exe!sub_ crashes and ped pool crashes

OK. I ran with the recommended build for a bit but my players started to have vehicle issues when spawning them like not being visible for them or others unless they relogged, wasn’t sure what the issue was with that at the time so I reverted back to an earlier build since I know that works.

I did +set onesync legacy as well for the above.

hello, any solution? maybe i will migrate to Infinity for fix it…

Nah nothing. A migrate sounds like the way to go however im not sure where to start :smiley:

1 Like

Is pool size crash maybe a MLO problem?

At this point i have no idea. I have removed different MLO’s to no avail.

All MLO’s?

Not everyone no, but from the first day of the crash I which was back in July, i have removed any since then with no effect of change

mm ok, i will try to delet all addon cars

We have a fair bunch of custom clothing and cars with low polys and custom handling but ive just no idea what the issue would or could be.

Not really a repro but used to have GTA V Remastered 2.0, a collection of ymaps adding trees and different props. Disabling this stopped completely the ped pool crashes. Maybe has something to do with ymaps and prop entities? I dont really know, hope it’s helpful.

you disabled “ALL” the ymaps ? are you using MLO’s instead ? do you have any custom cars ?

Using MLO’s and yes we have custom cars.

Only the ones related to that mod, the GTA V Remastered. I have a lot of MLOs, vehicles, clothes and metas and I dont have this issue anymore. But yeah, can be something else, that made it for me.

What’s the resource called for that? Im sure we have the tree one.

So i moved us onto Infinity and the ped pools have reduced tenfold however we still get the other crashes that i have reported here. still working on looking through some scripts and clothing.

Potentially adding something to this bug report. If you would prefer a different report for this, or additional info, let me know.

Some players (small minority on our server) are getting a ped pool overflow crash to desktop. Upon further investigation it seems that despite infinity being enabled, players are remaining “loaded in” for that client.

  • This persists between game restarts, but only for a small number of players
  • Production client build, server build 3182
  • List of players generated by iterating over GetActivePlayers()
  • We will continue to look into correlations as to why these specific players are having this issue
  • Test was conducted from fresh
RegisterCommand("printplayers", function(source, args)
    local p_coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
    for _,i in pairs(GetActivePlayers()) do 
        local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i))
        print("ServerID: " .. GetPlayerServerId(i), "ObjID: " .. NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(GetPlayerPed(i)), "vector3(" .. coords.x .. "," .. coords.y .. "," .. coords.z .. ")", "Vdist: " .. #( coords - p_coords ))

Initial Player List Print

[    170094] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1298	ObjID: 641	vector3(1436.9934082031,-441.05932617188,0.989013671875)	Vdist: 214.19396972656
[    170109] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1236	ObjID: 29	vector3(1118.9997558594,-360.38925170898,66.742866516113)	Vdist: 207.88163757324
[    170109] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1311	ObjID: 2144	vector3(-715.22637939453,-1287.6395263672,5.08349609375)	Vdist: 2110.7036132812
[    170109] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1286	ObjID: 601	vector3(1146.7434082031,-771.46600341797,57.584491729736)	Vdist: 270.94192504883
[    170125] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1262	ObjID: 1398	vector3(1336.9560546875,-566.17712402344,73.038230895996)	Vdist: 97.482559204102
[    170125] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 987	ObjID: 1259	vector3(1149.9044189453,-779.98822021484,57.578723907471)	Vdist: 277.66632080078
[    170125] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1155	ObjID: 2311	vector3(930.48791503906,-617.51208496094,33.1552734375)	Vdist: 335.99813842773
[    170141] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1308	ObjID: 939	vector3(1250.4515380859,-521.41772460938,68.986877441406)	Vdist: 0.0

Timestamp 1 (28914891) - Player beings entering a populated area

Timestamp 2 (28923644) - Player takes snapshot of nearby player list

[    186875] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 461	ObjID: 585	vector3(-141.69895935059,-968.03631591797,269.13043212891)	Vdist: 186.19291687012
[    186875] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 391	ObjID: 3864	vector3(-60.470226287842,-1090.0759277344,26.596340179443)	Vdist: 157.28318786621
[    186875] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 263	ObjID: 468	vector3(-140.63063049316,-967.04583740234,269.13043212891)	Vdist: 186.18046569824
[    186891] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 980	ObjID: 2688	vector3(264.27041625977,-1000.7987060547,-99.0146484375)	Vdist: 413.92523193359
[    186891] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 602	ObjID: 384	vector3(-225.40219116211,-1289.6439208984,31.285034179688)	Vdist: 319.75921630859
[    186891] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1296	ObjID: 1282	vector3(456.23736572266,-988.39123535156,30.678344726562)	Vdist: 516.93811035156
[    186891] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1192	ObjID: 266	vector3(-214.9450378418,-1298.1228027344,30.914306640625)	Vdist: 319.166015625
[    186906] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1049	ObjID: 433	vector3(41.441879272461,-1355.6853027344,28.644271850586)	Vdist: 316.90405273438
[    186906] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1033	ObjID: 915	vector3(26.51868057251,-1352.6241455078,29.084730148315)	Vdist: 311.10598754883
[    186906] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1307	ObjID: 2549	vector3(-210.7490234375,-910.70208740234,29.287347793579)	Vdist: 294.91946411133
[    186922] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1176	ObjID: 155	vector3(-243.66558837891,-866.54797363281,30.027843475342)	Vdist: 342.49798583984
[    186922] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1236	ObjID: 29	vector3(979.05487060547,-458.72546386719,62.19474029541)	Vdist: 1193.1724853516
[    186922] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1311	ObjID: 2144	vector3(-715.22637939453,-1287.6395263672,5.08349609375)	Vdist: 736.62902832031
[    186922] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1286	ObjID: 601	vector3(1150.2857666016,-771.74505615234,57.557186126709)	Vdist: 1226.4310302734
[    186937] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1237	ObjID: 457	vector3(468.32708740234,-1023.9661865234,27.986505508423)	Vdist: 523.63220214844
[    186937] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 987	ObjID: 1259	vector3(1148.0767822266,-770.9619140625,57.290649414062)	Vdist: 1224.5361328125
[    186937] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1155	ObjID: 2311	vector3(931.73852539062,-615.14483642578,32.430786132812)	Vdist: 1080.0589599609
[    186953] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1308	ObjID: 939	vector3(-28.649677276611,-1086.5593261719,180.58688354492)	Vdist: 0.0

Timestamp 3 (28925357) - Player beings exiting a populated area

Timestamp 4 (28925357) - Player takes snapshot of nearby player list despite while in less populated area

[    208859] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1249	ObjID: 1721	vector3(496.63931274414,-364.18405151367,42.687866210938)	Vdist: 767.90264892578
[    208875] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1294	ObjID: 12	vector3(499.38229370117,-340.18569946289,43.466201782227)	Vdist: 770.50817871094
[    208875] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1274	ObjID: 154	vector3(496.63931274414,-364.18405151367,42.687866210938)	Vdist: 767.90264892578
[    208891] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1112	ObjID: 0	vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0)	Vdist: 1354.2846679688
[    208891] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1014	ObjID: 125	vector3(871.56280517578,-604.15966796875,58.222702026367)	Vdist: 385.05447387695
[    208891] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 461	ObjID: 585	vector3(-141.7054901123,-968.0439453125,210.80958557129)	Vdist: 1466.0043945312
[    208891] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 263	ObjID: 468	vector3(-140.63735961914,-967.04174804688,210.80958557129)	Vdist: 1464.6873779297
[    208906] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1191	ObjID: 445	vector3(434.96658325195,-308.40771484375,49.504661560059)	Vdist: 840.55902099609
[    208906] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 602	ObjID: 384	vector3(-225.33699035645,-1289.6439208984,31.285034179688)	Vdist: 1661.3349609375
[    208906] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 604	ObjID: 1636	vector3(1177.8718261719,-366.44711303711,68.070007324219)	Vdist: 170.68714904785
[    208906] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1192	ObjID: 266	vector3(-53.059505462646,-1296.5975341797,30.53314781189)	Vdist: 1514.2551269531
[    208922] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1049	ObjID: 433	vector3(40.826374053955,-1355.4725341797,28.706909179688)	Vdist: 1467.0859375
[    208922] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1033	ObjID: 915	vector3(26.51868057251,-1352.6241455078,29.084730148315)	Vdist: 1477.2644042969
[    208922] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1307	ObjID: 2549	vector3(-219.41662597656,-857.26715087891,29.830644607544)	Vdist: 1505.3425292969
[    208937] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 422	ObjID: 0	vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0)	Vdist: 1354.2846679688
[    208937] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1298	ObjID: 641	vector3(1436.9934082031,-441.05932617188,0.989013671875)	Vdist: 216.93798828125
[    208937] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1236	ObjID: 29	vector3(971.71020507812,-454.16217041016,62.397552490234)	Vdist: 284.27914428711
[    208953] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1311	ObjID: 2144	vector3(-715.22637939453,-1287.6395263672,5.08349609375)	Vdist: 2107.7976074219
[    208953] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1286	ObjID: 601	vector3(1144.0944824219,-771.34729003906,57.602996826172)	Vdist: 270.03033447266
[    208953] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1262	ObjID: 0	vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0)	Vdist: 1354.2846679688
[    208969] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 987	ObjID: 1259	vector3(1143.9400634766,-772.51226806641,58.582260131836)	Vdist: 271.12521362305
[    208969] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1155	ObjID: 2311	vector3(1295.3483886719,-1740.3658447266,50.72420501709)	Vdist: 1219.2164306641
[    208969] [    GTAProcess]             MainThrd/ ServerID: 1308	ObjID: 939	vector3(1247.6441650391,-522.2197265625,68.973876953125)	Vdist: 0.0

CitizenFX Logfile: CitizenFX_log_2020-11-16T105927.log (657.1 KB)

OneSync Log: broken_infinity.rar (13.3 MB)

Screen Recording

The above appears to be fixed. Players properly unload now and we’ve noticed a tremendous drop in this crash. Thanks.