Groups.lua doesn't working i can’t understand what is the error!!
Someone can help me , thank you

Hi ! Please server and client logs.

it happens when i have modified the groups.lua. I think that it is a comma problem in cfg.selector

So do you get any errors? mostly errors contain line number of where you forget for example a comma

console error when i press k :

Isn’t there any when starting the resource?

if i don’t press k for menu , it shows me just" error: proxy call vRP:getUserGroupByType not found" and the job_display sign “Undefined”
When i press k it shows the error who i linked!

I think that there is an error in groups.lua because i delete a lot of jobselector and i changed a loto of [“groupname”]

Maybe better to restart from scratch because if you’ve delete a lot of jobs you’ve got for sure more than 1 error but it just log the first finded and don’t go further.Your group lua is fully broken.

so can i edit the name of groups? and delete cfg.selectors?

If you want “delete” something i suggest you to just comment lines instead of remove it that way this is easier tocorrect mistakes.
And yes you can edit, just be carefull to change everything related to it.If you see “[mecanic]” somewhere, so replace every other things that are the same. Difficult to explain with bad english. :grin: