Fat Review: Just For Your Information.
Overall great server, community was awesome, server is built quite well ( IMO ) and the Admins are quite good in comparison to other servers.
About the middle of 2022, a significant amount of people were banned, whilst they were rightfully banned ( they went way to far, digustingly far ) but that wasn’t the issue. It was that core members, that had been in the server for months. It was the people who made the entire community, and they were gone.
The certain people of the community, ( in-which are in Odin ) those who play the server can piece 2 & 2 together, and they single-handedly pushed 2 entire gangs out of the server. 1 purely for consistently starting stuff, ( arguing in Discord, talking behind each-others backs openly in Discord ) overall just wasn’t good for the server, 2 gangs left because of this. Psycho Vultures & Satans Few. Whilst there were other issues, these were the major factors to the gangs leaving. Upon these gangs finding a new server, these people would join the new-server Discord and started dissing the new server, ( literally 0 reason, stay in your own lane ).
The gangs in the server are decent, whilst certain gangs are terrible ( not the concept, but the members in them, its overall a good server for GangRP ). It was very enjoyable having high-level gang meetings with opposing Gang Leaders and whatnot.
The RP of the server, whilst it was once great… it has slacked in recent months. ( Since Around June / July ). I respect the server owners thoughts, on “If you RP Better, They’ll RP Better” Or, the general concept of that. It doesnt work like that, if you call the cops… they wont respond until the script is used, and they get the notification properly through the CAD. Once again, not great.
The staff, as i said, are quite awesome. The server-owners honestly need a break, they need to just let the server run loose for a month and restart it once a day. Love You Llama.
The servers great, overall… incredibly well-built. If your more of a person that interacts with the community, i highly suggest you not come to NorthernRP. Certain members are incredibly rude, and just so irrelevant its not funny. Unfortunately, nothing was ever done about it.
I’ll highly suggest you not talk to anyone through Discord about your future in Northern. It spreads like wildfire, and whilst they get to sit back and relax. Your outed of the community, and hated on, by people you dont even know. You Know Who You Are
Nowwwww, the “coppas” - terrible, dont be one. If your wanting to be a cop, do it for the sake of the server and mentally prepare to be shit on, hated on, all of the above. Its not personal, but half the current Police Force are power-gaming people, and need to win for the sake of their lives. ( They’ll Spike You In A Traffic Stop So You Cant Escape ), not much fun in that. Either way you catch me, arrest me… and you get your RP. Anway, for the most part, the cops are pretty decent. Hey Dangle - L Cop.
I will continue respecting the members of Northern, although to the owners who will eventually read this. Your rules are outdated, its not fair seeing how far the server has grown. 4 members to 1 robbery, whilst the entire police force can attach and have 3 HWY Units. Its not balanced. Since i started playing in January the nightly average went from id say 50-60 to around 70-80. With an average ( I Think ) of 10+ Cops. Its not balanced anymore.
Once Again, overall. Great Server, Well Built. Terrible Community, Not Great RP. I was honestly sad to leave Northern, it was awesome. Anyway, cheers for coming to my TedTalk.
Long Live Sebastian James - Police Informant.