
We’re close to launch! Come join us! .

We are a group of people who have a lot of Hard Roleplay experience and are huge fans of the genre. We’re passionate about good roleplay, and we know what tools you’ll need to enjoy and give good roleplay to the community. Having that experience and being a part of those communities has made us aware of the community’s needs and requests, and our goal is to listen closely to the community’s voice. We plan to hold weekly community meetings as much as possible, and we’ll keep an eye on the suggestion section in our discord!



FiveM - GoldenStateRP /

Our Team and Our Objectives

Staff members with expertise, as well as the desire and enthusiasm to establish a fantastic and mature community, are sought by GoldenStateRP! We’re searching for team members who share our values and are willing to go above and above to help the community.

We want GoldenStateRP to be more than just a server; it should be a location where you can unwind and enjoy beautiful things after a long day at work/school/etc. As previously stated, please leave all of your real-life problems at the door; you will transform into someone new, someone wonderful!

The following are some of the GoldenStateRP’s features:

Employment and the Economy

Very balanced economy - we believe, for example, that legal jobs should be fairly balanced in a way that is true to reality while also allowing you to choose a profession based on your preferences rather than having everyone performing the same job because they are paid more.

Rather than delivering things for Amazon on your alone, we want to encourage gamers to choose a career that emphasizes roleplay and human connection. That is an option as well, however we recommend that you join a faction and roleplay as a side benefit rather than focusing just on making money. Having stated that, here’s a list of factions that we’ll be implementing and would like to offer:

  • Careers in law enforcement and medicine

  • Realtors - Yes, for a fee, someone will give you a tour and show you houses, and they will ensure that you are happy with your purchase.

  • Taxi Faction (if you want to do it on your own, you can be an Uber driver; we’ll have that option as well), but we’d like to have a taxi faction, and the drivers will be the ones who know all the “city secrets” and can provide you with all the connections you’ll need when you first arrive in the city.

  • Interior designer - With the exception of motels and VIP residences, most of our housing will be vacant, and you will be able to design your own home.

  • Mechanics - In addition to the money earned from repairs and tuning, they would be paid an hourly wage.

So much more is being added and considered.

Illegal jobs/heists will be another way for people to make money in the city. We’ll be able to do a variety of unlawful tasks and heists, such as robbing all convenience stores, banks, houses, jewels, and even ATMs with the right instruments. We intend to add some more luxurious heists to the mix, such as Yacht heists, Warehouse heists, Armored vehicle heists, and so on.

Other Standout Features and Benefits

  • Multi-Character system
  • Custom LAPD & CHP vehicles
  • Custom Emergency Medical Services vehicles
  • Custom civilian vehicles
  • Custom Weapons & Possibility to craft certain weapons
  • Crafting system
  • Communication Options and other Interactions
  • Mumble Radio [with Distance interaction, Radio with blocked EMS and Police frequencies.]
  • Vehicle lock system [Givekeys, Lock Pick, etc]

join us now!!! we having fun!!! hell ya!!!