
Gilo Segnalatore!
This resource allows you to attach a GPS tracker to a vehicle.
Once the tracker is activated, you will be able to see his location on the minimap, with the path to follow.
The resource is configurable and available for both ESX and Qb Core

gilo-segnalatore contains:

  • Simple setup
  • Choose your framework
  • Ability to use an item
  • Possibility to change the name of the item
  • Select the jobs that will be able to use the alerter
  • Ability to change the interaction key
  • Customizable notifications




gilo-segnalatore.rar (40.4 KB)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

oooh un bel lavoro


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Documentation on how to install is not clear.

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i think the config is too easy to set up, just put the job you want to whitelist and decide if you want to use item or not…
but i’ll write a little documentation for it

How is the object in QBCORE? or how to do so that an object is not used

config.lua line: 18 Default Kernel.UseItem = false

Not Working…

Error loading script server.lua in resource gilo-segnalatore: @gilo-segnalatore/server.lua:22: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘QBCore’)

i’ll fix it tomorrow

where can i find document on how to install please using QB

today i’ll release a little documentation om config.lua … and small update

I update the resource, you can redownload.
I wrìte a little documentation in Readme file and on config.lua
Please, follow that

Now solved

usa en la 1 linea sustituye QBCore = Nul por QBCore = exports[‘qb-core’]:GetCoreObject()

i update that, follow the config for update the resource, the ds link