Getting my server chat box to work for a vMenu server

Hello to who ever might be reading this.

I have been looking around for a long time and am growing frustrated and upset because every chat box that I find and add into to the server it fails to work. I have a vMenu based server and I know that some of the RP chats that are made are made for ESX only. Is anyone able to recommend a chat with commands that works with a vMenu server?

Note: I am loosing it trying to get the chat to work or find a chat that works.

Why would you need ‘a chat with commands’ when you can add commands to built-in chat?

Thank you for that! I will definitely add that once I find a chat that will work in my server.
Also a few things:

A. I cannot type in the chat box at all nor can any of my other players that join the server.

B. I know how to do some script editing but not what I need to make the chat box to where people can type apparently.

C. I do not have an ESX server I have a vMenu server and I am not sure if that has to do with the chat…

D. Do you know of a base chat box that would work with the script you recommended and vMenu?

“A chat that will work” is literally bundled with server-data and enabled by default.

Okay, so to be more specific (I thought I wouldn’t have to) a chat box that is better than the default chat.

“better than the default chat”?

In what way? What’s wrong with the default chat resource that you want to replace it entirely instead of using themes and extensions to get it working the way you want?

The only “chat box” you’re supposed to use is the bundled one. Any replacements are unsupported and as you have found out generally broken.

The bundled chat is perfectly customizable using themes, modes, and other API functionality.

Okay, so use the default chat with the script/resource you gave a link for listed above? That will work with no issues?

I am genuinely (if I am coming off as a dick) asking because I have tried so many things.

While I have help do you know of a police job/menu that would work with a vMenu server?

Yes, the chat command pack system is made to work with the default chat.

Okay, well if I try to type it freezes the characters movement ability and won’t post what you intended to post in the chat box. Any help with this?