GetEntityBoneIndexByName() Native Issue

When using the above native, you cant use double quotations such as "" itll error in the f8 console with some native error, dont have a screenshot right now

But if you use single quotations such as '' itll work completely fine

GetEntityBoneIndexByName(entity, "boot") -- will error

GetEntityBoneIndexByName(entity, 'boot') -- will work

Server Artifacts: 5848
lua54: Yes
oal: Yes
Canary/Release: Canary – somebody had this issue also 2 years ago

I have been using this for years without a problem though.

I have a paid script that has been bought 500+ times by now and no one ever complained about that feature not working or producing an error.
The line I am talking about:

local boneIndex = GetEntityBoneIndexByName(playerPed, "IK_R_Hand")

The only issue I have personally found with this native that it doesn’t work for some bone names. You have to use the index directly. Maybe that is also what you are referring to. But it never threw an error on my side, it just simply didn’t work.

This is the other function where I explicitly had to use the index or it just wouldn’t work at all. (but no error apart from position not getting set and resulting in a totally different error of course)

local position = GetWorldPositionOfEntityBone(ped, GetPedBoneIndex(ped, isLeft and 14201 or 52301))

It seems to work fine with “IK_…” bones, but not physical bones. But at this point this is just a guess as I never tried using it with most of the other bones I never needed thus far.

This happens with vehicle bones, havent tried any others

This would appear from my testing to be something regarding lua4 or oal, as server artifacts and client version matching provided proper returns for all four checks in my debug resource.