GCPhone v3

You need to update the esx

No, this is not for ESX 2.0. If anything this works for ESX 1.2 and, possibly, lower.

It works perfectly with essential mode 6.3.0

I have newest version of esx… and the mesages doesn’t work properly

I have this problem https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/715109556241563660/715980801745092670/unknown.png


Hi i Installed;

Screenshot Basic and all dependencies from this link

The app_message_send_photo option is not working in messages, it opens the camera and when I press something it get’s stuck. I can not take any pictures at all. Can not move.
Need to restart gcphone and even that won’t solve the problem since numbers are gone.

Please help about to lose my mind.

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i got the same error too… did you solve it?

When i try to call someone / make an message to an job or an person / want to add someone to contacts and that shit it wont react,

i only get this in my f8

It starts in the good way, ( how it needs to be starting )

I installed a new gcphone from github

You cant use this ver for 1.1

yes but I don’t hear the call I don’t know why

Hey I dont see Twitter, Bank, Reddit Police ambulance icon. Please help

Onesync is the prob I think

Ok maybe someone already asked it but… I have a problem with the camera. I can’t take photos and when I open it, it freezes and I have to quit. Please help me.

How did you solved it ? the calls thing

i have onesyn activate

I seem to be having quite a strange issue with gcphone. When I first join my server with another player all functions with texting and calling seems to work fine. If one of us disconnects it seems like the entire script breaks and then we cannot text or call each other anymore. Furthermore, if I call my friends phone number it will sometimes call another random person on the server. Number generation is working properly and the server logs dont seem to have any errors regarding gcphone in them. If anyone has any clue on how to fix this I would appreciate it!

I have the exact same problem

The biggest problem is if I call i can’t hear people

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yeah same… its now running well, but i got this problem now is the phone in hand not appear and can’t hear voice when in call