GCPhone issue with Call function

Hey there.

I have an Problem with this Phone on an FiveM RP server. I´m just the only one how cant take a CALL in or out.

I see all Buttons. I can Push them but nothing happens. All over funktions working. Just CALL OUT oder take a CALL dosen´t work.

Does any one have an Idea? I also installed FiveM and all server Files 3 times new.

Thx for your Help.

Open your server, and open FiveM.
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:13172 and go to “Console”, let me know if anything stands out here, errors etc.

When I´m going on this Link ther only stands this:

Inspectable WebContents

YkQ1fSQ.png (512×128)

CitizenFX root UI

I’m sorry, I’m unable to view that picture, is there any chance you could upload this to imgur or any other image service?

Ohhhh I have found the Console in “CitzienFX root UI”.

When i´m klickking on the Phone to take a call, i get these ERRORS in the Console: