GB GAME (all frameworks)

In next video you can see a gameplay with 4 people:

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This is how config looks like:

Config = {}

Config.Locale = "en" -- Language "en" "ru"
Config.GameName = "Ghost Busters"
Config.SlimerHealth = 1000 -- Ghost Health
Config.BusterStrength = 60 -- Damage which is received by Slimer from 1 buster attack

Config.GameZoneCenterCoords = vector3(2426.0439453125, 4980.31640625, 45.927490234375)
Config.GameZoneRadius = 280.0
Config.CarModel = 'ecto1'

Config.EnableMusic = false

Config.CarCoords = { -- Random each game
    vector3(2412.6462402344, 4964.3999023438, 45.893798828125),

Config.SlimerHealthBoostCoords = { -- Static
    vector3(2449.1208496094, 4980.0659179688, 58.025634765625),
    vector3(2488.7077636719, 4961.4594726562, 44.78173828125),
    vector3(2528.3999023438, 4984.6020507812, 44.832275390625),
    vector3(2493.1516113281, 4933.701171875, 43.433715820312),
    vector3(2370.2241210938, 4939.9912109375, 66.737060546875),
    vector3(2309.4064941406, 4886.2416992188, 41.79931640625),
    vector3(2331.3493652344, 5014.2329101562, 42.608032226562),
    vector3(2292.158203125, 5059.0288085938, 45.826416015625),
    vector3(2233.3054199219, 5032.1274414062, 44.427856445312),
    vector3(2192.6242675781, 4967.0112304688, 41.310668945312),
    vector3(2390.0571289062, 4845.7451171875, 41.20947265625),
    vector3(2440.8791503906, 4971.0068359375, 51.555297851562),
    vector3(2454.6726074219, 4992.158203125, 46.8037109375),
    vector3(2442.5144042969, 4975.12109375, 46.8037109375),
    vector3(2438.6901855469, 4963.068359375, 46.8037109375),
    vector3(2401.3449707031, 4990.826171875, 58.261596679688),
    vector3(2429.3405761719, 5089.2133789062, 44.377319335938),
    vector3(2373.560546875, 5133.560546875, 44.680541992188),
    vector3(2355.7978515625, 5048.333984375, 45.725219726562),
    vector3(2298.8044433594, 4941.5737304688, 41.428588867188),
    vector3(2249.578125, 4913.2880859375, 40.720825195312),
    vector3(2244.5275878906, 4847.736328125, 40.687133789062),
    vector3(2437.2922363281, 4841.8022460938, 36.82861328125),
    vector3(2390.0571289062, 4845.7451171875, 41.20947265625),
    vector3(2440.8791503906, 4971.0068359375, 51.555297851562),
    vector3(2454.6726074219, 4992.158203125, 46.8037109375),
    vector3(2442.5144042969, 4975.12109375, 46.8037109375),
    vector3(2438.6901855469, 4963.068359375, 46.8037109375),
    vector3(2401.3449707031, 4990.826171875, 58.261596679688),
    vector3(2429.3405761719, 5089.2133789062, 44.377319335938),
    vector3(2373.560546875, 5133.560546875, 44.680541992188),
    vector3(2355.7978515625, 5048.333984375, 45.725219726562),
    vector3(2298.8044433594, 4941.5737304688, 41.428588867188),
    vector3(2249.578125, 4913.2880859375, 40.720825195312),
    vector3(2244.5275878906, 4847.736328125, 40.687133789062),
    vector3(2437.2922363281, 4841.8022460938, 36.82861328125),
    vector3(2284.3779296875, 4811.5913085938, 58.17724609375),

Config.SlimerHealthBoostValue = 20 -- Booster value
Config.FlashBoosterAreaWhenSlimerIsNear = false
Config.BoosterActivityTime = 15000
Config.RestrictSlimerFromTakingBoosterIfHealthIsFull = false

Config.Fee = 100 -- How much money cost to participate in game
Config.StartPoint = vector3(2125.75390625, 4802.4790039062, 41.024169921875) -- Lobby point
Config.GameDuration = 5 * 60 * 1000 -- Game duration is 2 minutes
Config.GameStartInterval = 10 * 1000 -- Game automatically starts every 1 minute

Config.UsePedModelsInsteadOutfitsForPlayers = false -- Useful when you want to use ped models and don't want to use multiplayer clothes
Config.UsePedModelsInsteadOutfitsForGuards = false -- Useful when you want to use ped models and don't want to use multiplayer clothes

Config.EnableHitting = true -- players allowed/blocked to hit someone
Config.EnableGodmode = true -- players will not receive damage

-- Player spawns when game starts, finish and guards position
Config.SpawnCoords = {
    Busters = {
        vector3(2423.7495117188, 4975.1870117188, 45.9443359375),
        vector3(2427.9428710938, 4979.0903320312, 45.860107421875),
        vector3(2428.1669921875, 4985.736328125, 45.97802734375),
        vector3(2420.0966796875, 4980.1186523438, 46.11279296875),
        vector3(2420.4790039062, 4974.4482421875, 46.028564453125),
        vector3(2426.2548828125, 4972.6416015625, 45.961181640625),
    Slimer = {
        vector3(2437.0549316406, 4976.1494140625, 51.555297851562),
        vector3(2443.0021972656, 4986.5932617188, 57.958251953125),
        vector3(2480.6770019531, 4953.0727539062, 45.000732421875),
        vector3(2317.4372558594, 4878.7646484375, 51.723754882812),
        vector3(2365.5297851562, 4938.263671875, 70.005859375),
    GameSuccess = { -- Player won the game. You can use it for teleporting player to next level
        vector3(2078.17578125, 4780.24609375, 41.378051757812),
    GameFailed = { -- Player failed the game. You can use it for teleporting player to some limbo or something :P
        vector3(2078.17578125, 4780.24609375, 41.378051757812),

-- Guidline:
Config.PlayerOutfits = {
    ["male"] = {
            [3] = {61, 0}, -- top
            [4] = {37, 1}, -- pants
            [5] = {61, 0}, -- backpack
            [6] = {1, 0},  -- shoes
            [8] = {57, 0}, -- shirt
            [11] = {244, 0}, -- jacket

            [2] = {0, 0},
            [7] = {0, 0},
            [9] = {0, 0},
            [10] = {0, 0},
    ["female"] = {
            [3] = {15, 0}, -- top
            [4] = {49, 1}, -- pants
            [5] = {61, 0}, -- backpack
            [6] = {36, 0}, -- shoes
            [8] = {15, 0}, -- shirt
            [11] = {252, 0}, -- jacket
            [2] = {0, 0},
            [7] = {0, 0},
            [9] = {0, 0},
            [10] = {0, 0},

-- Same as PlayerOutfits, but intead used ped models
Config.PlayerPeds = {"u_m_y_zombie_01", "u_m_y_mani", "u_m_y_juggernaut_01", "u_m_m_streetart_01", "ig_rashcosvki", "ig_claypain"}

-- Auto plug-in framework. See `server/framework.lua` for API.

if GetResourceState('es_extended') == 'started' or GetResourceState('extendedmode') == 'started' then -- ESX
    Config.Framework = "ESX"
	TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
elseif GetResourceState('qb-core') == 'started' then -- QBCore
    Config.Framework = "QB"
	TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(obj) QBCore = obj end)
elseif GetResourceState('veles') == 'started' then -- Renamed ESX
    Config.Framework = "ESX"
	TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
elseif GetResourceState('Your_Framework') == 'started' then -- Your_Framework
    Config.Framework = "Your_Framework"
else -- Standalone
    Config.Framework = "standalone"

Very nice script!!


Nice !


Nice script :heart:


On QBCore i don’t get gun when i starting as Hunter

This might happen if OneSync is not enabled. Try to enable it

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sometimes gets buggy when the slimmer “dies”

If you have issues, let us know more detailed about it. For a moment we didn’t discover any bugs.

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It deletes all the weapons from the users inventory too

Correct, this is intended behaviour of this script, it deletes all weapons from ped when the game starts and gives a rayminigun (with replaced model) to ghostbusters which gives a damage only to Slimer. After the game finishing, it again deletes all weapons from players.

In next update we change this logic, so all player weapons wo;; remain after game finish.



  • Added vRP support;
  • Added timer for Restricted Area;
  • Fixed weapon removing, now players will keep their weapons;
  • Fixed armour setting, now armour will not be set for players;
  • Fixed bug when Slimer was falling from height (in ragdoll), was dying and going into revive mode;

hello this isn’t opening. Can you provide a download link that works please?

Of course. The link has already been sent to your PMs.

From now 2 versions of the script are available in our store:

Source available version - all code is available for editions:

Encrypted version - code is partly available (50% discount):

New options are available in Ghostbusters config (config.lua ). Redownload the resource from

Added support of ox_inventory (fixed issue with missing buster weapon).