FXServer on Debian 9.4 Problem

I can’t start a FiveM server/FXServer on my dedicated machine running Debian 9.4, everything goes without a problem until license key authorization, at that point this error pups up:

Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

this has nothing do with the license key, not sure if this still applies

you may need to use a different linux distro.

that post you linked shows that it was an issue with the keymaster site… no an issue with the server crashing.

not sure what the issue could be, maybe a wrong configuration or unsupported distro. Though the elements will probably be the only ones to know for sure if anyone knows it at all.

OK, so which Linux distro do you recommend to run a FXServer?

I’ve used CentOS7 and Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.

I’ve successfully ran FX on older Debian versions, but I’d recommend just using the likes of Ubuntu 16.04, or possibly 18.04.

Not even sure if this is OS related at all, but you could give Ubuntu a try, never had any problems with Ubuntu.

I’ve tried to run it on Ubuntu Server 18.04, still the same error appears while starting FXServer. CentOS 7 installer doesn’t seem to like this hardware, I had plenty of errors doing installation and it was unsuccessful.

Did you install mono? If using SSH, are you using bash correctly?

I got similar issues when I upgraded to a fairly recent server artifact while still running a relatively ancient mysql-async.
Upgrading mysql-async fixed the problem, and I’ve learned that the staging server should have the same version of eveything as the production server does…

@Enzy, Yes, I installed mono-complete packet using this tutorial: https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/#download-lin-debian, I’m not sure what do you mean saying “using bash correctly”, I start the server as user with UID of 1000, starting it as root doesn’t make any difference. I start it using this command: bash …/fx-server/run.sh +exec server.cfg while being in the server data dir.

@Demonen Upgrading mysql-async to the latest version doesn’t solve the problem either.

Would you mind pasting the entire startup text of your server? From your startup command to the error?

Here is a complete log output: https://pastebin.com/raw/bnMhkv2W

Have you tried commenting esx_shops and esx_addoninventory just to make sure those errors aren’t causing an issue further in the startup process?

Yes i tried, nothing happened.

I’ve just noticed the key authorization error in this log:

Authenticating server license key…
GlobalError: An error occurred while checking server license key.
An error occurred while checking server license key.Stacktrace:

Someone knows why it occurs?
I tried to use different keys from https://keymaster.fivem.net/, but none of them worked.

Any chance port 30110 is blocked or in need of port forwarding?

Both 30110 and 30120 (TCP/UDP) ports are open.And I don’t see any traffic going on 30110 port while starting the server.

Would it be too much trouble to zip your entire server and make available for download? I’d like to try it on my Deb stretch install that’s running 5 servers on it. It might arrow down our issue.