FXServer Help

You shouldn’t be running FXServer.exe

What you did in the 2nd screenshot provided is correct… That means your server is up and running with no issues.

Thank you! I apologize for the mistake!

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I have the same error. How do i fix this? What did you change to get it to work in the 2nd screenshot?

He executed the cfg file @AviatorChris_10, please make sure you’re doing the same.

Would I have to type that in the cmd?

Yes! :mascot:


Can you show me a picture as an example to make sure Im doing it correctly?


*Note: this is from a .bat file

You can also do this in your cmd:


run.cmd +exec server.cfg

Its still not working

I have solved the sessionmanager problem but now im having a problem with it not finding server.cfg

I have solved the sessionmanager problem but now im having a problem with it not finding server.cfg

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