FXManifest Converter - Convert your __resource into fxmanifest


Convert all your __resource.lua to fxmanifest.lua, to support a new compatibility

Usage - Executables

  1. Backup all your resources.
  2. Download the latest releases zip and extract it.
  3. Place all your resources in the resources directory.
  4. Run the executable.

Usage - Non Executables

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Make sure node.js is installed.
  3. Do an npm install.
  4. Place all your resources in the resources directory.
  5. Run node index.js.

I don’t know it will work for everyone or not. This is just an experiment. Please report issues you’re having, Pull Request is welcome!

More info such as credit, copyright in github README.


Windows, work, Linux: Work

Is windows isn’t working ?

The problem turned out to be windows and rights, everything works fine, I apologize for being in a hurry.

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It was needed! thanks buddy

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I should probably be asking this somewhere else, but i have been looking around for information on fxmanifest and fxv2, and only have a little bit of a vague description on one of the announcements. Is there a post or somewhere i can go to get more information on fxv2 and the differences? As well as the current stability for live servers. Thank you

__resource is nearly deprecate. I think

Ah okay, thank you. I assume nothing but the __resource.lua itself requires change. The scripts themselves should still work as they did right?

yes. I think

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Thank you again, also just a note. I used it with my resources. It worked for a majority of them, though on about 20 of them it failed to put the fx_version and the game its for into the fxmanifest.lua. Though it did seem to copy the contents and rename correctly. If it matters i have about 120 separate resources. There seemed to be no pattern on the resources it failed to do correctly, looked like random resources.

Weird, Can you open an issues on github and we will talk about them ?

Yup, done.

The same thing, prescribed manually

Please try to re-do the conversion with version 1.2 again

Thanks, I have already completed for all scripts

how to using on linux

upload file index-linux in dir server
ls index-linux sources
chmod -x index-linux

Tried again. This time all had the FX_version and Game ‘gta5’ but now some were missing the client and server scripts and there was one was missing the client_script before the ‘client.lua’.

Some scripts that were missing server or client:
Breathalyzer (The one that was released with the standalone inventory)
and some others

Edit: I tried a second time to see if it is randomly failing on scripts or if it is specific scripts. Those same scripts that were missing it before are still missing it. So i assume its something specific with these.

For a note, This issue has been solved. See #1