Full-stack senior dev for hire | Status: Available [ESX, QBox/QBCore, Standalone/Custom]

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Sent you a request on Discord!

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Still looking for an established server to become my new home. So far most of it has been newly started servers or servers that are just an idea still.

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Bump! I’m available now

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What can you do to own my attention sir :thinking:

I’m not looking for a developer, I’m a developer myself. I’m looking for a server to develop for


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I’m now once again available again.

I have sent you a request on Discord.

Good afternoon!

I just wanted to say that your post is the absolute best I’ve seen anywhere in regards to looking for work. The post is well thought out and laid out. You articulated your experience, skill, requirements, and expectations very well. As a server owner looking for a competent, trustworthy dev, I can appreciate this post. You’re definitely what I’m needing, but unfortunately I’m not what you’re looking for as we are a new server and not established as of yet. But I totally respect your position and understand needing to be intrinsically fulfilled. Again, just wanted to call out the appreciation I have for your post. Take care!!!

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