New Server Side Update - 1.0.2
GitHub - IDKFORCE/fs-serversidegraphics: FiveM ServerSide Graphics
GitHub - IDKFORCE/fs-serversidegraphics: FiveM ServerSide Graphics
does this require users to install reshade to work?
or does this require any modifications to be done by the client to use the graphics?
no is just a drag and drop
im confused since there is two resources you made related to graphics
im assuming fs-serversidegraphics is to be installed server side
so what does fs-graphics do? or are they the same thing?
correct fs-serversidegraphicsis to be installed server side and fs-graphics is the client version with a bit less features until the update comes
Hey bro, what tools do you use to modify the timecycles ? I want to play around and test on my own server. I would appereciate it alot as I’ve tried the timecycleeditor but it’s hard and confusing what exactly I’m changing.
just that
Amazing release, have been using it for a while nice to see an update
Keep up the great work.
im having issues with the water flickering all around the map
hey do you have another water.xml file in your server?
looks good
Does anyone know how to add more trash density server sided ? The streets are weird with no trash around.
Is there a current link for the discord?
when is v2 lol
oh damn looking good cant wait