[Freelease] Localizer - A way to align with the runway from afar!

Are you tired of flying the VFR? Introducing the localizer script!

This script is basic, but effective! It allows for runway alignment from long distances so that you can fly a traffic pattern!

A huge thanks to MarvinArt for help with some optimization!

As always, here’s a demo:

And the link for the file can be found here:

ENJOY! :slight_smile:

I’m not selling my resource, but fuck it! Here’s info just in case!

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based Yes
Lines (approximately) Approx. 150
Requirements Installing another script
Support Yes

Looks good. The preview video was amazing :+1:

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Thanks baybee! More stuff coming soon as always! <3

wooooww its so nice

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tbh, I’m not even interested in the script but watched the showcase video anyway just because your voice is very comfortable to hear

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Hahaha well thank you! I was originally uncomfortable with sharing my voice, but thank you for the affirmation that I was overexaggerating!

If you like the video, like the video! <3

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Download it, give it a try, and let me know what you think!

I also have handlings available on the mod-site for gta5-!
Check em out and try it with this! - Thanks and subscribe 4 more! :smiley:

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Much respect for ya man!!!

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I appreciate yah buddy! Thank you! :smiley:

A few things:
Someone named BGHD made an installation tutorial which can be found here:

I’ve made quite a few aircraft handling mods (which have fiveM releases) which can be found on GTA5 mods as well! Please check them out if you’d like a better flying experience for planes AND helicopters!

and lastly Don’t let braking your plane turn off your engine! Check out this mod by @Flatracer:

I got great improvements to the game coming soon! Stay tuned everyone! <3