Freedom RP is fresh and live!

This is Freedom RP. We are here to provide a home for all of your Red Dead Role play. We as staff are very experienced and feel we can offer you a true place to call home, and not just offer a good honeymoon phase. We truly want you all to feel welcome in this server we have dedicated our time and effort into. It is at this time we are proud to open this server and offer you what we stand for. Freedom.

We have a great amount to offer the player base. Also, as we are fresh, We are looking for people that would like to run their own businesses. We have an Update in the works for Criminal RP. We are also working on an update for crafters and our hard working civs! We also hold events for all of our players to give everyone an equal chance to have their character in the spotlight!

We started this place with a vision to give people a home to RP. You can join our discord here: Freedom RP We hope that you will come and join us on our grand adventure!!

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