[FREE] VB-AC (Anticheat for FiveM) (Nearly Standalone)

Hello, there is a big wall that kid cheats spawn every time they get to my server, could you please find it and blacklist it?


look in this page

cannot find this wall Imgur: The magic of the Internet

might be something in the config of auto delete or allow broken vehicle something like that maybe?

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Where would one to go instead of the webhook showing A player has been banned by VB-AC where can we change that text? if the autoban config is off it should show like something detected for ex

0.01 - 0.02 depending on your PC specs

Props should get deleted if they are not whitelisted… Are you sure that the anticheat is running?

You can change the text in the server/main.lua, search for the discord log functions and you’ll be able to make the changes you want.

Why do you get banned for? Check the discord logs and for example, if you get banned by a blacklisted function just get in that resource and you’ll find a file With random letters, get in that file and just delete the blacklisted function that is triggering the ban. If you have any doubts, DM me through the forums.

i dm you check

Yes , positive. could you please tell me the prop name if you know it?

also after he spawn like 5 of them ( walls ) couldnt delete the prop as the menuv script does.

everyone get banned from this

nevermind the anti injection files was in txadmins path

What steam ID do we use to add players as a admin

Have you already implemented HWID bans?

I’ll be implementing bans using Tokens soon… I’m working on it

v3.0 Released! I’ll be posting the changelog in a few hours.

put all the credits mans, you didnt do it yourself :wink: and you know what i am talking about ^^
also your “anti injection” won’t detect isolated executors and i already saw it on github.
its not your work

Hey! Could you DM me and tell me which part of my script you saw on GitHub? I’ll give credits in the code and in GitHub :slight_smile:

I see on the git hub it shows WIP for some files is v3.0 is it fully complete?