[FREE] VB-AC (Anticheat for FiveM) (Nearly Standalone)

Hello brother, good job with that anticheat, it is so great, I was testing it and I found a small bug, what happens when you give yourself all the weapons and then you eliminate them, the disarming is bothered

Hey, I don’t understand the message. Rewrite it plz. By your name, I assume you speak Spanish, asi que puedes hablarme al DM si quieres :slight_smile:

Thankyou so much for realese this AC, i’ve been waiting a thread like this for a long time.
You’re really helped so many newbie Developers like me, thankyou so much!

but i’ve some problems, it’s randomly get banned because of this :

how can i fix this?

You installed anti injection right? Go into that script and youll find a file with random letters. Get in that file and you’ll have to delete some lines.
a = {}

Delete that lines and everything should be fine again

for anyone

anticheat works if all events on my server has changed? Example esx: or esx_ changed to example: example_


disable antiradar in the config

yea, just put the new esx trigger on the config and that’s it

Very nice Visi, nice work!

Muchas grasias (Thanks)

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Awesome script! Must have!

How to make it where it kicks only and not auto ban? I removed the ban function but errors pop up in the console. Was there something I missed? image

Isolated means its not injected to your current resource… so the current method will not work

The current method does not even work for anti-injections.

Made a GitHub issue but decided to also post here.

The anti-cheat seems to prevent WarMenu menus from opening, my server’s framework uses WarMenu for it’s menus and the ac is causing errors and preventing them from opening/loading.

Everyone just keeps getting random bans even tho they just roleplaying for vehicle modifire ,radar,noclip,godmode

Is there anyway to vbacuninstall all files then just each seperatly?

I fixed my issues, thank you.

Yep, you have to get in a resource and search for the file that has some random letters. Copy the NAME without the extension and type vbacuninstall “RANDOM LETTERS”


Blocking built-in tools like nui devtools