[FREE] UwU Cats


Just FYI, as it is, when ox_target is set to true, only one cat can be interacted with. I’m not great with code, but taking.

if Config.OxTarget then
coords = vec3(-584.05, -1063.0, 22.7),
size = vec3(2, 2, 2),
rotation = 45,
debug = drawZones,
options = {
name = ‘box’,
event = ‘tg:petcat’,
icon = ‘fa-solid fa-cat’,
label = ‘Pet the cat’,

And making it for each cat’s vector3 should make it work for each cat. There’s a way to do it by just pulling from the config coords but I don’t have the skill to do it. While it may not matter much, it seems when the resource is reset or ensured the first cat will behave like a world ped and walk off, not being deleted/respawned.

I moved the locations to the “Cafe Day” cat cafe location by xtxvxtx if anyone is interested.

Coordinates are here:

Config.Cat1 = {-504.20, -29.32, 47.0, nil, 84.13, nil, 0x573201B8}

Config.Cat2 = {-510.43, -33.99, 46.72, nil, 355.94, nil, 0x573201B8}

Config.Cat3 = {-505.25, -38.15, 45.87, nil, 355.98, nil, 0x573201B8}

Config.Cat4 = {-504.25, -35.23, 46.33, nil, 48.94, nil, 0x573201B8}

Config.Cat5 = {-516.6, -23.6, 45.5, nil, 355.92, nil, 0x573201B8}

Not sure if it’s just me, but my player ped gets spun around when petting. Just Commented out:

TaskTurnPedToFaceEntity(player, ped3, 5000)