Ah I see yeah it doesn’t make sense to have that there can that be replaced with the name of the vehicle

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then change it :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi! Can you provide me your german cezalar.js. The Link is not working.

Already did buddy :wink: nothing wrong with letting the one releasing stuff that something might not work properly.

Can someone tell me how to fix this? : /

Hi. This is the reason, when you have users with no lastname. Your can ignore this!

hmm all users have surnames in the lastname column

is there no fix?
without errors the console looks nicer ^^

Im having an issue with the tablet im trying to get it to to work . ive translated everything but when i search a person and click the name nothing pops up like no information on the person pops up what am i missing ? without that im not able to move on to giving a ticket ect.

I found a bug only some people we are able to add as suspect any way to fix it?

How do I change the vehicle hash that comes out when looking for a person?

I want the vehicle name to be there?

elseif data.tip == "arac" then
        MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @owner", {
            ['@owner'] = data.data
        }, function (result)
            if result then
elseif data.tip == "plaka" then
        MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles LEFT JOIN users ON owned_vehicles.owner = users.identifier WHERE owned_vehicles.plate LIKE @plate LIMIT 30", {
            ['@plate'] = '%'..data.data..'%'
        }, function (result)
            if result then
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hello can you help me

i have lastname but u using accounts…its not solution and pls make eng sql …thanks much +rep

now not work with ESX 1.1 because accounts doesnt exist in users table and missing native exp comment above me…

Hey, can you send me that file too?

Did you recieve the file? When yes can you send me that too?

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nice great

Here i have last time same problem look to u Database :slight_smile: and create all this tabels then work its fine!!!

Enter this to u DB :slight_smile: aranma mediumtext DEFAULT ‘[]’,
photo mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,

Here for new users the SQL

identifier varchar(60) NOT NULL,
accounts longtext DEFAULT NULL,
group varchar(50) DEFAULT ‘user’,
inventory longtext DEFAULT NULL,
job varchar(20) DEFAULT ‘unemployed’,
job_grade int(11) DEFAULT 0,
loadout longtext DEFAULT NULL,
position varchar(255) DEFAULT ‘{“x”:-269.4,“y”:-955.3,“z”:31.2,“heading”:205.8}’,
is_dead tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
firstname varchar(50) DEFAULT ‘’,
lastname varchar(50) DEFAULT ‘’,
dateofbirth varchar(25) DEFAULT ‘’,
sex varchar(10) DEFAULT ‘’,
height varchar(5) DEFAULT ‘’,
lastdigits varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
phone_number varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
skin longtext DEFAULT NULL,
status longtext DEFAULT NULL,
aranma mediumtext DEFAULT ‘[]’,
photo mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
avatar mediumtext DEFAULT NULL


Ehrenmann <3

ESX.RegisterServerCallback("tgiann-mdtv2:ilk-data", function(source, cb)
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
    MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT firstname, lastname, job FROM users WHERE identifier = @identifier", {
        ["@identifier"] = xPlayer.identifier
    }, function (result)
        if result[1] then
            cb(players, ESX.Items, result[1].firstname.." "..result[1].lastname)     <--------- Error here ! 

has anyone fix ?

you are getting this error because you are using old version esx