Got a quick update with instructions to add qb integration to autodrive
To use QB integrations requires a few edits to qbcore and qb-inventory. We also need to add the items to purchase from shops.
First we need to add vehicle data to qbcore. This edit saves vehicle installations. Included in this mod is the code to edit qbcore items so no need to add items in qb shared items.
Next we need to add the parts to shops and qb-inventory. Add the files from the images folder to qb-inventory images folder. Then make the edit to qb-shops. Then the parts will be added to install, installations will be persistent, and autodrive will function with qb. Whitelisting, part requirements, persitence and more! The required edits are in the readme.
I have another update coming. This one adds more permissions, upgrades, and now a driver. Toggle the driver while player is passenger seat. Change the driver ped model and visibility in the settings. Also adding support for nearest postal. Type in a postal code for autodrive to take you there.
wow, came back to check this out and didn’t expect all the updates. MAN your CRAZY! on this! Great job. Ill def be trying this out again soon. I can tell from reading your post that you enjoy making resources. Don’t even let anyone take the fun out it for you. Your ambitious and I’m sure you will motivate and push other devs to do great things. Thank you for all the time you put into this.
Thank you for your kind words
I do enjoy making mods. This one keeps growing with features. Now has part requirements, installation animations, job and vehicle whitelisting, menus, chauffeurs, toggle settings in game, dozens of present locations, and more. I want to work on something else lol. This one is almost finished and fully integrated with qbcore. It brings another level of roleplay with part requirements and upgrades, which was unexpected
awesome release. and for free. Thanks. I use it constantly when I’m patrolling on PD and need to walk away for a few minutes. 10/10, the UI in the radial menu is very clean and all the options are perfectly laid out. Great job.