[FREE] Pickle's Television Script (TV's) | Watch Videos, Broadcast, and more!

More Information & Scripts can be found here!

What is this?

Basically, this serves as a free resource for servers that need a television script.

With this resource, you will be able to do the following:

  • Watch Youtube & Twitch Videos / Streams.
  • Broadcast your Youtube / Twitch Stream as a server-wide channel.
  • Display & Browse the Web.
  • Display Images and Videos (via direct link in the browser).


What do I need?

You will need the following for this script to work.

  • Ox Lib (works with any framework)

  • Renderer (works with any framework)

If you want to make a fork, please obtain permission with a valid reason.


Install the release version of ox_lib.
Install both ptelevision and generic_texture_renderer_gfx.

Start all three resources, with ox_lib being ensured first.



Throwarray - Render Target Snippet

Ready to download?



Great resource! :sunglasses:

What’s the resmon like ?


The resmon is 0.0!


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I seem to get this error

Latest ox lib


I must say this is one of the best of releases on the CFX forum I could have seen on this forum this month.

Definitely good job man :slight_smile: Keep on your good work :+1:


This guy Has Some of the best scripts all his scripts is a must have in your server!


Fixed just now, download v1.0 in releases!

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It seems not working for QBCore

Why aren’t my videos working?? Y paste the url and nothing happens. Also updated the script and ox lib and it says ox_lib nill thing. How do I get this thing to work?

Great! One at the bank seems to be working perfectly now but others still not playing, Might be cause of this.

Seems to be flooding the console with invalid attemtps for net id’s

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If you try the one at fleeca bank at legion it’ll work but think might still be issue with others.


Are those TVs in the configuration?

Could you send yours here?

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It’s the default config, No changes made to the script

Alright when I’m awake I’ll let everyone here know when it’s patched. I was working on this script for 12 hours straight so I’ll be up in a few hours.


great script !! thanks for reelease


bro woooow man

i have no words bro this is fantastic bro and thank you very much making this script free for all :heart_eyes:

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Free TV resource ??ahah … its amazing good work mate !!

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Christ, this is insane. Do you have paypal or something to tip?

very nice

Can’t get my script to work but it looks so cool on here.

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