[FREE] [Standalone] K9 script with menu

add_ace identifier.steam:12313#### command.k9 allow… doesnt do the job for me… still every one everywhere can spawn dogs…

Is your Config.AcePermissions set to true ?

For some reason, the K9 will not follow you the entire time, eventually he will randomly take off in a direction and “calling” him back does nothing. It’s really unusable if the dog is going to do that. Cause I can’t RP foot pursuits, vehicle detection’s or anything with the K9 on foot. Is there something I’m doing wrong or fixed?

how can I extend the distance to identify ped to be attacked. Right now it only targets when you are right up close to player.

and it will run up to selected tareget but then just jump and bark but stay a few feet away and not attack getting error in F8 saying Warning: no objecft by ID 65534

Using onesync ?

Yes onesync. Vmenu server with ND framework.

is this dog able to smell illegal items? it isnt listed the features list so i dont know if its able to

Nope, as it would depend on the inventory system you’re using (this resource is standalone so I won’t likely add a way to “sniff” items)

Any plans to make a version to attack AI peds or Players?

I agree I need one that attacks both ai and civs 100 percent

I can’t get it to open am I doing something wrong. It’s started on cfg but won’t open ingame

i keep getting this issue when i try to spawn any of the dogs pls help

why does the dog attack me when im the handler

why does the dog attack me when im the handler it also doesnt always attack suspects it attacks my when i shoot and or taser the suspect

how can i change it so only police can access it ?

This script is using ace perms so you have to give the police members the permission for this command

Anyway you can make it so you can use the k9 to attack NPC’s also?

Hey how’s it going i know you’ve sent the line to be able to change the K-9 skin however I’m still having trouble with it I know you’re busy but I’m hoping you could maybe explain to me what I’d need to do or best case scenario show me what needs to be done, I can send you what files I’m using and how I’m streaming them as well for the K-9 models. Thank you for your time !