[FREE] Simple Discord Bot

:robot: Simple Discord Bot :robot:

:fleur_de_lis: DOWNLOAD LINK :fleur_de_lis:

If you have any questions please put them below. I will try to respond as fast as possible.
If this gets a lot of attention I will create a more advanced one that connects to the server better.



  • Playerlist
  • Server Status
  • Links to website and cad

Discord Invalid invitation

Yes I don’t own one anymore

add discord friend?

I don’t add anyone anymore. Is there something you need?

ok~ I would like to ask if you can add refresh per second

I will look into it think you for the suggestion

ok thx

i would also like to be able to have the player list automatically update. Thank you for this resource :bowing_man:

just have a little complaint. What is this tos? rp-tools/tos.txt at main · AstraWrld/rp-tools · GitHub
why does a free resource have tos related to paypal and whatnot?

That’s his overall ToS, if it’s a free release then just read the credits that don’t have anything about payments.

@appaa9487, @ReadyP1ayerTwo

For status add the following code below embed footer:

message.channel.send(onlineEmbed).then(msg => { setInterval(function() { PlayerCount.getPlayerCount().then(async (data) => { let updateField = msg.embeds[0] updateField.fields[0] = { name: 'Connected players', value: data.data.length, inline: true } await msg.edit(updateField) console.log(data.data.length) }) }, 10000) // Will update every 10 seconds });

yeah but fivem only allows tebex so this paypal purchases make it seem like he breaches tos :thinking:

How, he isnt selling anything what, its just a tos. I don’t know what you are trying to get at lmao.

nvm useless conversation


How to add

In the files?

How to add

please reupload files!