[Free] RPEmotes

Nice work :smiley: . If you’re interested in syncing particles you can check my anims.
The StartNetworkedParticleFxLoopedOnEntity are supposed to work but I could never get them to work, maybe you can give it a try.


I’ll look into it @AvaN0x :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Xios :pray:

@Dullpear_dev Any insight on how synced emotes work? I’ve been trying to do like, piggy back emotes :laughing:

THANK YOU for doing this, and for standing up to drama about it. I don’t know if I did something wrong, but I cannot get this to work properly when installed. I get an error:

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Hmm :thinking: Odd. When you downloaded it, did you remove the -main from the name?

I’ll take a look at the code now and see if anything stands out, it’s probably something soo simple and stupid too lol

-main wasn’t in the name on the Github. Unless I missed something, which is entirely possible. I just searched and didnt see dpemotes-main anywhere though.

Also, I did notice there were some duplicates that came up (dj5 and drunk are the ones I recall right now)

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Hmmm… Interesting. I’m doing some minor changes to the code and all works fine on my end but I’ll push an update shortly, hopefully no issues. Mostly changing the Information menu tab to say Credit & Thanks, just need to translate it for the many different languages lol

It might be a me thing… only other thing I can think of is I know QBCore has a framework specific branch, maybe I need to use theirs? I started using yours when the pets emotes were done and I think it worked ok…

My emote menu is standalone

I guess that in this case, “I” is me ? XD

Minor Update:

  • Replaced Information tab with Credit & Suggestions

  • @Dullpear_dev for the original dpemotes

  • @AvaN0x for assisting with the formatting of the code

  • @SMGMissy for the custom pride flags

  • @Kibook for the addition of Animal Emotes :poodle:

  • To you, the community for helping me keep this menu alive :heart:

  • Renamed Menu

  • Added Emojis to menu options

  • Added protest sign for those straight people who have an issue with LGBTQIA #KissMyAss

/e protest2


Should be fine on QB-core, I will have a play tonight and see if it’s causing any issues on a fresh batch of qb-core.

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I absolutely love the variety of emotes than the old dpemote…however, idk if im doing something wrong or not…i can’t get to get the animations when im using an item , like food or drinks.
hope someone can help me out
edit : i managed to copy the script from client/emote.lua from the original dpemote , now the emotes work with smallresources…however they do not work with /binds…any help?!

Would you know how to make it so you sit in place rather than how it does it now? I kinda would like the option for seats that arent able to be stood in front of.

Edit: Kinda figured it out but, you sit up high. Need to figure out how to lower the position

If you ever get the mini pride flags in, letting an animal carry a mini pride flag in their mouth would be great, I have a player that would love that.


I was actually thinking this myself, however we can’t for the life of us resize it any smaller than if is, unless you’re adding it to a map with codewalker and scale it that way, however dpemotes is a script so it’s tricky.

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There’s already a bunch of sitting emotes so I’m not entirely sure what you’re referring to. Some animations, which aren’t part of this script and that allow you to sit, do in fact make you float, because Rockstar Games motion captured them on a chair or wall of that height.

There isn’t really much I can do unless somehow I can freeze position and then somehow give it a defined coordinate, or Z axis.

I literally have no idea what you’re even talking about and don’t know what ‘smallresources’ is.

Script works fine on standalone FiveM servers, I have no idea how frameworks work ie QBCore, therefore I don’t use it, and I don’t use SQL or keybinds, however there is SQL support and keybinding stuff in the code.

oh no worries, you did an amazing job, i absolutely love the new emotes n all ! :smiley:

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In regards to the praise I’m getting about the pride flags:

This is morally wrong and I do not agree with it.

And to those who keep angry reacting, please go touch grass.

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