[FREE] rpemotes-reborn - A standalone emote system for FiveM

Honestly a pretty big list, it would be appreciated if you made it we can add it to the docs.

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Was having a headache with the persistent walking. I wanted to know if it was possible to have the walkstyle save permanently so that if a player dies or reloads skin their walkstyle is unchanged. There seems to be some other issues that cause the walkstyle to set back to default and I wanted to stop that.

Please check the most recent branch, a fix was recently applied that should address this. We haven’t released a new version as there’s some things we want to test.

Totally forgot about this, but it’s in our readme (thanks @TheIndra for reminding me):

I WILL work on the props and give it to you



  • Some cleaning, intends, commas
  • Prevent some emotes from playing in vehicles
  • Emotes now will have emoji tags for shared, animal and prop emotes to identify easier
  • Added blend in/out speed to animation options (it doesn’t sync well, so for local player purposes)
  • Better axe4 position (thanks @isentrie for the above)
  • Idlecam logic improved (thanks @mathu_lmn )


Full Changelog: Comparing v1.8.3...v1.8.4 · alberttheprince/rpemotes-reborn · GitHub

Hi, I’m looking to add custom emotes and can’t seem to get the hang of it, it states that custom emotes will automatically be added to the database. When I added emotes to the AnimationListCustom.lua the emote menu no longer opens. When I try to add them in manually to the AnimationList.lua they appear in the emote menu but do not work. An explanation or help would be greatly appreciated, I am new to FiveM development so user error can definitely be the issue here.

Other than the issue above the menu works perfectly, no crashing, no issues, all emotes work, and all I had to do was drag and drop and ensure the menu. This is great for someone like me who sucks :slight_smile:

are you placing the animations in the stream folder and/or ensuring them before rpemotes?

I am placing them in the stream/[customemotes] folder but not ensuring them individually, could that be where my mistake is?
There is also no manifest because these are single player animations being converted for FiveM.

can you paste the config here?

no I mean, the config in the customanimationlist.lua

I removed any changes made to customanimationlist.lua because I figured my own mistake there made the emote menu not function.

I was looking to see if there was a guide to adding in new animations to that customanimationlist.lua because I’m new to this stuff. Apologies in advance.

– Emotes you add in the file will automatically be added to AnimationList.lua
– If you have multiple custom list files they MUST be added between AnimationList.lua and Emote.lua in fxmanifest.lua!
– Don’t change ‘CustomDP’ it is local to this file!

– Remove the } from the = {} then enter your own animation code —
– Don’t forget to close the tables.

local CustomDP = {}

CustomDP.Expressions = {}
CustomDP.Walks = {}
CustomDP.Shared = {}
CustomDP.Dances = {}
CustomDP.AnimalEmotes = {}
CustomDP.Exits = {}
CustomDP.Emotes = {}
CustomDP.PropEmotes = {}

–| I don’t think you should change the code below unless you know what you are doing |–

function LoadAddonEmotes()
local prefixes = {
Shared = ':people_wrestling: ',
AnimalEmotes = ':dog: ',
PropEmotes = ':package:

for arrayName, array in pairs(CustomDP) do
    if RP[arrayName] then
        local prefix = prefixes[arrayName]
        for emoteName, emoteData in pairs(array) do
            if prefix then
                emoteData[3] = prefix .. emoteData[3]
            RP[arrayName][emoteName] = emoteData
-- Free memory
CustomDP = nil


Found out how to add each emote directly to the Emote Menu by reading over everything as a baseline.

Please just share how it was when you tried inputting the emotes in the custom emote list. You’ll need to restart your server/reconnect once you’ve made the additions.