[FREE] [QBCORE] Orion JobCenter

“Orion JobCenter”: A work center based on black and white colors, with a simple configuration giving the opportunity to add countless jobs with their name, grade and icon to facilitate the configuration and selection of jobs for its users

“Orion JobCenter”: From its configuration file you can customize the ped, location, available jobs, unemployed rank and language translation

Download - GitHub

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 240
Requirements N/A
Support Yes
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just a heads up even though its free a direct download link must be provided and the code must be open

Sorry, my tebex template does not allow a direct link, as soon as I can change it for a paid one I will do so.

Please read the rules… Releases Rules and FAQ

Free Releases must contain a download other than Tebex… (direct download/workupload/github)

I apologize, I have already published the resource on github and updated the download link