[FREE][RELEASE] NoticeMe - Notifications




NoticeMe is a simple notification resource that allows you to send notifications with as little characters as possible:

TriggerEvent("noticeme:Info", "Hello!")

You can also use custom base64 encoded images with your notifications:

TriggerEvent("noticeme:Notify", {
    message = "Hello, World!",
    timeout = 2000, -- 2 seconds
    audio = true, -- use notification sound
    type = "info", -- use the info colors and icons
    image = "...kSuQmCC",


  • Sounds
  • Custom images
  • Customizable (although this needs some documentation)

If you have any recommendations or feature ideas, please let me know.



I mean, are any of these notify scripts original?

At least it’s free though.

Thanks for the suggestion but i think i’ll keep this one i found over here :wink:

are you just angry, cuze he release something with same FREE sound and he release it free… and you getting off your money?
Just also do same thing…


I don’t think he is saying that because of the notification beeing free, I think what he’s saying is that before he released his notifications there was no notification with that sound, after he released his there was already 2 made with the same sound, one getting down de to copying.

Clean copy from toasty notifications haha… You could at least arrange those icons lol… And the same sound lol…

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The notification system looks nice.
But is it possible to make it work with esx scripts like esx_holdup?
So If a player triggers the event to rob a store it shows all online police officers a notification. “Robbery ongoing” or something similar?


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You can use it with anything, you just have to modify the scripts to use this notification resource instead of the default that esx uses.

So when esx_holdup uses:

local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(xPlayers[i])
if xPlayer.job.name == ‘police’ then
TriggerClientEvent(‘esx:showNotification’, xPlayers[i], _U(‘robbery_cancelled_at’) … Stores[robb].nameofstore)

And I want rewrite it to:

TriggerClientEvent(“noticeme:Info”, “Robbery got cancelled”)

How can I set it up that only the Police can see it?

Where can I insert the xPlayers?

You just have to change TriggerClientEvent(‘esx:showNotification’, xPlayers[i], _U(‘robbery_cancelled_at’) to TriggerClientEvent(“noticeme:Info”, xPlayers[i], “Robbery got cancelled”)

Oh so easy?
I will try it today thanks for the response!

You can replace code at es_extended/client/function:

ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)


ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)
      TriggerEvent("noticeme:Info", msg)

Worked really nice. Now i dont have to rewrite all scripts. Thank you very Much!

good notify

Is there an easy way to use colored text in the notifications? I tried several methods to no avail.

Bro script is not yours :joy: :lollipop:

does it work with onesync infinity? aka the sound