[Free][Release] AngelicXS’ Bank Truck Robbery

Hi i’m just wondering when it comes time to blow the doors before collecting the loot,
is there a way we can implement required items needed to blow said doors before looting rather then just blowing the doors ? These needed items would also need to be removed once the doors have been blown. @angelicxs

here is an example of how to update the ox third eye option to do so

    onSelect = function()
        TriggerServerEvent('angelicxs-BankTruck:Server:ArmExplosion', VehToNet(obj), time, PlayerPedId())
    icon = 'fas fa-truck',
    label = Config.Lang['arm'],
    canInteract = function(entity)
        if GetVehicleBodyHealth(obj) <= 2 then return false end
        if QBCore.Functions.HasItem('thermite') then
            return not EPlant[time] and IsVehicleStopped(obj) and not IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), true) and not leoprotect
        return false

Note that you will need to write or replace this event angelicxs-BankTruck:itemTaken:QBCoreC4 with your own appropriate server side solution to remove the item. This part QBCore.Functions.HasItem('thermite') is also based on qbcore and would need to be replaced with whatever inventory system export you are using.