[FREE] Radial Menu - New Minimalistic and Optimized - ESX/QB/Standalone

BCS Radial Menu


This project is to freshen up the options for free radial menu for FiveM. It is inspired by qb-radialmenu config and nashvail radial menu design.


  • Optimized 0.00 (Depending on your framework max tested is 0.03)

  • Minimalistic Design with tooltip for label

  • Responsive Design

  • Flexible menu with exports for addition on the go

  • Supports ESX and QBCore* for job menu

*QBCore has not yet been tested, let me know if it works! or does not :frowning:

Download and Documentation



  • 5/01/2022
    Fix minor bug in exports addMenu
    Easy configuration for size and colors in the config.lua

  • 20/01/2022
    Fix shouldclose
    Auto opens menu after displayed

My Other Works

BCS_company BCS_license

BCS_housing JobCenter1
BCS_hud image

BCS_license_test image



Nice Release bro :grinning:

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gila dahh mantull


wow such a nice release


can put menu for vehicle or animated walking style mas ?

Nice Release!

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Yup you can, just add more option as you like in the Config.RadialMenu

makasih mas …

I cant change the keybind to F9 i tried f9 or F9 even the number associated to F9 didnt work. Even with a different keybind it still wants F1no matter what I put in the config

It’s because it uses the RegisterKeyMapping native. For new users in your server it will register as F9, but for you or others that already have it as f1. You need to change it manually in the GTA keybind settings at FiveM section.

Ah yeah I think I just saw that there, to confirm will it be f9 or F9?

It should be the same. You can try F9 just to be safe.

Is there anyway to make people to continue moving with WASD when opening the menu?

I think you can use this native after setnuifocus SetNuiFocusKeepInput - Natives @ Cfx.re Docs. have not tested it yet

I use this radial menu personally, and it works fantastically, it’s optimized, and looks really clean.

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realy nice menu, but i have a problem, if have the police job in esx and when i want to open the job menu then i must restart the script. After this i see the job menu

Fixed in the latest commit


i updated it and it is the same problem, i am cop but i dont see the policemenu. I must give me the policejob once again

What framework are you using? and could you make an issue in the github with repro and details