ive seen this issue posted elsewhere but it never has an answer, how do we fix the issue of the upgrade and use boxes still being greyed out after purchasing?
Make an issue on github or you can contact me directly, I do not provide support on this thread anymore.
Is there a way I can disable th minigame and use my lj-inventory script to add and remove GPU’s the the server rack
Sorry for the late reply, you can change the exports in the script from the default qb-inventory to lj-inventory, as I believe there are documents for that. To disable the minigame, you can go into gpu.lua, and delete every:
success = lib.skillCheck({'easy', 'easy', {areaSize = 60, speedMultiplier = 1}, 'easy'}, {'1', '2'})
if success == true then
and then:
TriggerEvent("ox_lib:notify", notif3)
(remember you need to delete each of these on all the GPU functions)
Did someone convert it to ESX?
hi we keep getting this error and after a server resart they bug it asks you to buy the miner again if you do it charges you again if you dont and go back there there with the last gpu lol
[ script:oxmysql] Error: razed-cryptomining was unable to execute a query!
[ script:oxmysql] Query: INSERT INTO cryptominers
(citizenid, card, balance) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
[ script:oxmysql] [“JJE73757”,“shitgpu”,0]
[ script:oxmysql] Duplicate entry ‘JJE73757’ for key ‘PRIMARY’
also the ui seems very slow to load it takes 20 seconds at times
The UI loading slowly is either an issue with your server’s resources or an issue with your client side. The script uses ox_lib which is not made by me.
It seems to be an issue with your database, have you got the latest oxmysql?
yeah server was only just built 4 days ago bud :L
Usually that doesn’t really matter, it just matters of how much RAM and CPU utilization is freely available.
Do you plan to make it work for esx? Would be insane!
yep… i did it…
i have a issue where i cant withdraw the crypto any ideas?
Sick script! Would be great for QBox (:
not in the first server build i used this in. using this again in another server. will leave an update on its current state for me and if i can find any fixes if theres still an issue with it
This should be fixed in the newest version.