[free] [qbcore/qbox/esx/nd] mm radio v2

maybe try to do it once more, follow the docs very carefully: Radio | Master Mind Development

And keep in mind that the minmum esx version required is 1.7.5

update to v2.0.4 and see if the resmon still spikes

Hey! i did everything aigan! carefully step for step from the docs! But i still got this problem!

No erro’s in my consol. And everything is starting correct.

The error is in client, so check for any error in bl_bridge for client

hey the problem is bl_bridge wont work on my server and i dont need all the extra stuff xd

Maybe you can check bl_bridge github repo for the invite link to their server , they are always available for support

Do you use any anticheat? Some anticheats inject their code into a random resource (writes a new file to the resource and adds it to the fxmanifest), and it’ll cause that resource’s resmon to increase substantially.

did it before anticheat too. does it with the newest version now aswell.

Maybe a idee to use a animation when you are using the porto?

Just Released a installation guide/all feature walkthrough of my Radio Script. This will help everyone to setup the radio script properly.

Thanks for supporting my work

Youtube: https://youtu.be/r3IPvXDpMVs

Is there a way to reset the members UI as it seems the ui has come off the screen and it cant be moved as its off the screen

There is a command /remradiodata, need to executed by the user