[FREE] QBCore Character Menu / Clothing Menu

long time lol

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For what bro :joy:?

22 days ago you said youd post the additional css lines to make the menu show on right side of screen. lol
and i was just messing with ya bro

is there any way to remove the ped at clothing stores/barbershops?

Yes, easy you just need to add some lines of js.

Could you tell us what lines to add here :

        if (menu.label == "Clothing") {
            $("#faceoption").css("display", "none");
        } else {
            $("#faceoption").css("display", "block");

Sure but what exactly do you want to do?

/hat and other commands don’t work. Any fixes?

there is a website called qb-core selling this script , just thought id let you know

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Let him enjoy :rofl:


Removed face and parent options from clothing locations!

Download latest version:

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I hope this is still working I’ve been really really trying to replace the old qb-core clothing menu and character customization because theirs is terrible this has been one of the biggest problems with getting people to stay in the city is the clothing system.

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I replaced al the files and the old menu is still appearing on the right hand of the screen… and you cannot get out of the menu either… any fix?

Hey, If anyone needs new features or modifications, suggest them below.

how do i disable the minimap behinde the character creator