[FREE] [QB] Jewelery Heist Script



  • (Not really a “new” feature but) Optimised script, running at 0~0.1ms, only hitting 0.1ms when it locks or unlocks a door after a hack.
  • 2 New stores to rob // Grapeseed & Paleto
  • Config option for just the base GTA Vangelico’s Jewellers or all 3.
  • Config option for base qb police alerts or ps-dispatch.
  • Doors now lock depending of the time of day, and store is “unthievable” during opening hours.
  • Police alerts for thermite have a higher chance when closer to business close or open.
  • Police alerts for smashing the cases can be disabled by hacking the main Vangelico’s PC.
  • Cases will actually smash after you hit them, and reset after cooldown.
  • Thermite the stores fusebox to open the front door at night.
  • Hack into Vinewood Vangelico’s PC to unlock all Vangelico’s for 5 minutes (or whatever you set the cooldown to).

Don Jewelery
Cases (V1.1)
Dispatch Pt 1(V1.1.4)
Dispatch Pt 2(V1.1.4)

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don-jewelery GitHub

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 1375 |
| Requirements | QBCore, qb-doorlock, qb-target, qb-policejob, ps-ui |
| Optional Requirements | ps-dispatch, Jewel Store by GigZ |
| Support | Yes |


Wow, amazing! Can you share your script HUD plss ;)?

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It’s just ps-hud

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Once I break the display cases and begin grabbing the jewelry, close to the end I get kicked from my own server for exploiting even though I am the admin/owner. How can I fix this?

I daresay you don’t have something installed correctly, or haven’t removed the base qb-jewelery as this replaces it.

Removing qb-jewerly fixed not getting loot in the inventory, thanks. But now my character gets stuck in a smash the cases loop and until I disconnect from the server.

Trying clearing server cache

love your work @donhulieo im sure this will be the next hottest thing :slight_smile:

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do my best mate, cheers!

Rookie mistake. That worked :beers:

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