[Free] Ox Inventory

Thanks for the response! We have that already setup, but I want to make it so that if a criminal were to pick up the gun, they could not physically use the weapon without the police job.

Hello, how can i integrate or allow a auto-reload feature, because I need to click “R” to reload every time i shoot a whole magazine out?

any ideas how to make food items has durability , how to make the food last 2-3 days and then spoil?
or general make some items not last for ever ?

use degrade

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so if i do this :

["cheeseburger"] = {
	label = "CheeseBurger",
	weight = 1000,
	degrade = time in mins,
    decay = true,
	stack = true,
	close = true,

is this correct ?

['cheeseburger'] = {
    label = 'Cheese Burger',
    weight = 220,
    degrade = 60,
    stack = true,
    close = true,
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 200000 },
        anim = 'eating',
        prop = 'burger',
        usetime = 2500,
        notification = 'You ate a delicious burger'
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Also keep in mind it’s in minutes. So if you want it to degrade after 3 days use:

  degrade = 4320,
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thank you all very much !!!

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I am using Kyros V5 weapon pack and seem to get this when I try to use the attachments:
Nothing in console or F8

['at_clip_drum_pistol'] = {
		label = '50 Round Drum',
		type = 'magazine',
		weight = 500,
		client = {
			component = {
				`COMPONENT_GLOCK19X_CLIP_03`, -- v4
				`COMPONENT_GLOCK19_CLIP_03`, -- v4
				`COMPONENT_GLOCK40_CLIP_03`, -- v4
				`COMPONENT_GLOCK40S_CLIP_03`, -- v4
				`COMPONENT_GLOCK18C_CLIP_03`, -- v4
				`COMPONENT_TGLOCK19_CLIP_03`, -- v5
			usetime = 2500

	['at_clip_100_pistol'] = {
		label = '100 Round Mag',
		type = 'magazine',
		weight = 800,
		client = {
			component = {
				`COMPONENT_GLOCK19X_CLIP_04`, -- v4
				`COMPONENT_GLOCK40_CLIP_04`, -- v4
				`COMPONENT_GLOCK40S_CLIP_04`, -- v4
				`COMPONENT_TGLOCK19_CLIP_04`, -- v5
			usetime = 5500

	['at_clip_clear'] = {
		label = 'Clear Clip',
		type = 'magazine',
		weight = 280,
		client = {
			component = {
				`COMPONENT_TANARP_CLIP_04`, -- rifle
				`COMPONENT_LBTANARP_CLIP_04`, -- rifle
				`COMPONENT_WOARP_CLIP_04`, -- rifle
				`COMPONENT_ILLGLOCK17_CLIP_04`, -- pistol
				`COMPONENT_MGGLOCK_CLIP_05`, -- pistol
				`COMPONENT_TGLOCK19_CLIP_05`, -- pistol
				`COMPONENT_REDARP_CLIP_04`, -- rifle
			usetime = 2500

i am trying to add a lockpick to my server and make it use for 4-5 times and then you have to buy a new , end when i do this:

['lockpick'] = {
	label = 'Lockpick',
	weight = 1000,
	stack = true,
	consume = 0.2,
	decay = true,

item is not usable , if i remove consume it is useable … any thoughts ?

Does anyone have the inventory compatible with nat2k15?

Whats that ?

I have an idea but cant figure it out how to do that.

If i drink a water, the water gets removed from my inventory, but i like to get an empty bottle for it.

I read through the whole topic and the only sample that is given didnt work for me. Any solutions?

EDIT: formating was wrong, now it works

Item('water', function(event, item, inventory, data, slot)
	if event == 'usedItem' then
	Inventory.AddItem(inventory, 'water_bottle', 1)


so you know how to add a new usable item with this ox inventory ?
can you give me an example please ? whitch file should i edit ?
i want to add a lockpick
thanks anyway

Take a look at the documentation on creating items. Just go to ox_inventory > data > items.lua and add an item following the format of the pre-existing items. I believe the lockpick already exists as an item.

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['lockpick'] = {
		label = 'Lockpick',
		weight = 160,
		allowArmed = true,

you also need a icn, put that in ox_inventory\web\images

rename to “lockpick.png”

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is there a way to skip this ? i die from hanger and after i revive my self i cant eat , so i die again and again…

Is there a way to clear inventory when player leaves tge server?

Where can the weight be changed? I can’t find it.


line 42

Config.MaxWeight = 35 ← means 35kg

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