[Free] Ox Inventory

can i get a fuckin answer tf

Can anyone help me making it according to ox_inventory

Hey everyone… know someone why it dosnt save my items? when i relog i dont have anything on me…

How do I get metadata for items or weapons?

Hello, I have a query, where can I change the number of bullets that the weapons have? that is, instead of having 12/12 I want to place 30/30 for the pistols, is it possible?

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how do i set the hot key for the inventory to open. how do i set it to F2 or TAB key to open it. can someone help me please.


My Vehicle Storage dont work, I can put things in the car but I can’t get anything out

I am not able to change the key bind to tab, can somebody help me please, i tried on the inventory,cfg and module/init.lua too but it’s still on f2

facing same issue

Hi everyone,
My shop items that i added are not showing the images. Labels and names are both correct in shops.lua and items.lua, images are also in the web\public\images folder with the correct names. am i missing something?

just started with this inventory, mostly works as it should so far, i have to test alot more. but how in the hell do i turn off weapon license ??, i have tried alot buy i buy the license and then it tells me i need a license still to get the gun?? also adding new vehiclshop totally destroyed the society cardealer, i get a society no found for cardealer meanwhile everything is in the right places in the DB, i have looked everywhere for the issue, and my version does not have a config. your repo. so where would i be able to find turning off the licenses, and why does it remove the cardealer society and throw an error when the society is fine and was working? thank bud

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have tried turning them both off in esx_weaponshop which i had stopped anyway, and esx_policejob, both options are off but yet still says i need a license for your weapon shop, but can buy from regular no problem when active. hmmm

hello can you disable the items from being uploaded by the script? So I would like the items to be read from the database, because a few scripts don’t work because the scripts pull the items from the database.

With this update the licensing system is not working, if you buy it but even having it tells you that you do not have it

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Loving this release mate, thanks very much. Can I request a (notice) to press (E) or whatever when on the blip to buy items from the shop? also the gun license, I didn’t even know how much it was until I bought it lol.

can anyone help me how to change the default button to open inventory from F2 to another button ?

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How to setup discord logging in ox_inventory ?

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Hard to beat free for this quality resource. Thanks overextended!

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downloaded new update now my inventory doesn’t open?

Can you rob players dead or alive with this inventory? And are there backpacks with it?