[Free] Ox Fuel

No have option to end fueling

Cancel the progress circle with the cancel button, default is X

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:ox: :ox: :ox: :ox:

Have a issue with it not starting but I have it ensured in my server.cfg?

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where can i change language

/ox_lib then select the language there, it’s client based

how to change the fuel key E to another key?

settings > keybinds > fivem

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Guys I love this script but please tell me I can modify it for cheezza inventory :cry:

You can modify it for cheezza inventory

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can i use default inventory because I don’t want to use this inventory

You can change the code and use whatever you want

How to disable electric model?

Refilling the canister does not work, you get a new one.

How to fix that?

Does the code to get the fuel level works client AND serverside?

jerrycan is not always working when you put gas in a vehicle. I have to do the action several times for the gas to be filled in the vehicle. it’s random

How to exactly set to bank account money? Instead of item money? Dont tell me to read README please, just tell me what i must change, thanks.

read the readme

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I do and see the codes but i dont know exactly where to put it inside the ox_fuel. I test two ways but no one works. Can u tell me exactly where please? Thanks Linden and sorry for be a donkey with this.

I see the (server) and (client) but didn´t see wich lines exactly.
Or how to replace.

If anyone knows how to do it please share the code.