[FREE] NPWD (Standalone phone)

It did. I managed to get the phone to work, just couldn’t get the camera to work. I had the token linked in the server.cfg also looked like it was missing apps. I ended up uninstalling it and going back to qb phone.

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I’m having the same issue. I’m wondering if it’s something to do with the scripts connection to the database? I’ll be interested to see if anyone has a fix.

Tell me how to add services to contacts? police/medics/mechanics/taxi

I have tried everything, resetting my configs and following documentation to a tee. still nothing

what should I do?https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1241424165878239404/1241654302020468767/Zrzut_ekranu_15.png?ex=664afc2e&is=6649aaae&hm=00b9fc2147565444a9667c43d94f3f5c08fc89e6a96830fbb0130d59a2f113b4&

After updating the phone, the photos don’t work, I did the configuration like in the old phone and I got an error - the server does not have access to the system files

how to solve the problem??

i don’t what to do
script:oxmysql] Error: pe-core was unable to execute a query!
[ script:oxmysql] Query: SELECT * FROM ?? WHERE ?? = ?
[ script:oxmysql] [“users”,“identifier”,“license:910965809ff68b089c38dba2fe5dad81bb2a20a5”]
[ script:oxmysql] Unknown column ‘identifier’ in ‘where clause’

Cant photos be stored on my server?

looks great but i have this error on console:

script:npwd] [NPWD] [photo] [error]: Failed to upload photo, No such export requestClientScreenshot in resource screenshot-basic

yes same here , maybe something is wrong with that screenshot-basic

Hey! Make sure screenshot-basic is built.

how to do that ?

i also want to know if can work with esx_ambulancejob ?

I’ve got everything working fine but everybodys number changes every time. Is there a way to fix that?

did you make camera working too ? i am just curious

sad this died before it even began :frowning:

wrong phone lol

SCRIPT ERROR: @es_extended/server/modules/npwd.lua:11: No such export newPlayer in resource npwd

Phone was working fine, rejoined server (no restart done) now this^^

Hey! In the config.json, set useResourceIntegration to true.

Thanks man! I’ll try that.